Recurring tempo changes while having fun is more calorie-consuming

Recurring tempo changes while having fun is more calorie-consuming / Health News
If excess pounds should tumble, you do not necessarily struggle with hard workouts. Even during a walk calories are burned. And even more if you stop in between every now and then and change the pace more often.

Change pace again and again
Although sport alone does not help against overweight, it helps to reduce excess pounds. But those who want to lose weight do not necessarily have to do intensive running training. Even walking briskly burns calories. This can be done especially effectively by changing the tempo again and again. This reported US researchers now in the journal "Biology Letters". In this way, about 20 percent more calories can be burned than keeping your pace constant.

Often times the pace changes pounds fall. Picture: Kzenon - fotolia

Going off and stopping
The team of scientists headed by Nidhi Seethapathi of Ohio State University sent the subjects for the study on a treadmill that always set the same pace. This should first be held by the participants for a while. They were then instructed to speed up or slow down the steps to either take a position at the very front or at the very end of the treadmill. Meanwhile, it was measured how much energy the study participants had to spend. The researchers found that the calorie consumption during launching and tempo change increases neatly. So go up to eight percent of the energy alone for going off and staying on it.

In between "go in serpentine lines"
In the journal Science Daily, Seethapathi said, "No matter how fast you move, walking always costs energy. But if you change your speed, then you press on the accelerator. "Those who want to lose more calories while walking, the scientists recommend, sometimes" do some crazy things: just stop in between and start again or in serpentine lines go". Health experts are advised anyway to go for a walk more often. This not only burns calories, it also improves concentration and well-being and increases life expectancy. (Ad)