Another two years more Germans die on average at 78 years
Two years more than ten years ago
A higher age becomes more and more natural. According to a recent communication from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), we are meanwhile 78.1 years old on average. Ten years ago, life ended just two years earlier. There was no change in the causes of death, because as in previous years, most people (38.9%) died of cardiovascular disease. 92 percent of people who died of cardiovascular disease were 65 or older, and the proportion of women (189,518 cases) was slightly higher than that of men (148,538 cases). In the heart attack associated with this group, a total of 50,104 people died in 2014 (56.9% men / 43.1% women). Life expectancy increases year by year. Image: diez-artwork - fotolia
Three times more men than women commit suicide
The second most frequent cause of death was as before cancer. This fell victim to a quarter of all deceased (223.758 people). The men were therefore most often affected by the digestive and respiratory organs. A malignant neoplasm of the digestive organs was also the most frequently diagnosed type of cancer in women, but breast cancer reached the highest percentage of individual diagnoses. 4% of all deaths were due to a "non-natural cause of death" such as injury or poisoning (34,667 cases). 11,582 cases died, e.g. by a fall. 10,209 people killed their lives through suicide, according to the Federal Statistical Office, the proportion of men (74.7%) was almost three times higher than that of women (25.3%). (No)