Again severe EHEC disease child infects with intestinal germ in constancy

Again severe EHEC disease child infects with intestinal germ in constancy / Health News
EHEC disease of a child in Konstanz evokes memories of the epidemic
The EHEC epidemic is back for a good four years. Since then, the disease, which was previously unknown to most Germans, almost all people in this country a term. Currently, a severe EHEC disease of a child has been reported from the municipality Allensbach in the district of Konstanz and the authorities have initiated initial security measures and comprehensive investigations to identify the source of infection.

The EHEC pathogens can cause severe impairment of kidney function or even kidney failure (Image: crimson /

How the child has been infected with the bacteria of the genus enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), is still unclear, according to the local health department. The head of the county health department Konstanz, Hannes Winterer, said on Monday that the nearly ten-year-old child had severe EHEC symptoms in the form of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), according to the news agency "dpa". At the end of last week, according to the district, the child from the outskirts of Konstanz was diagnosed with the serious illness. In order to determine possible spread of the disease germs, the family members and possible closer contacts were asked by the health department to deliver a stool sample.

Precautionary disinfection at school
Although "the risk that the bacterium could have spread in the vicinity of the child is considered low"; but "as a precaution, in the personal environment and in the school, which visited the child, carried out disinfection measures," said the message of the district. According to the news agency "dpa", further examinations should be carried out on children who have recently had diarrhea. So far, no other cases of illness are known in the community, but can not be completely ruled out that there are other infected, reports the head of the county health department.

Watch out for EHEC symptoms
The residents in Allensbach should pay more attention to the evidence of possible diseases in view of the proven EHEC infection. Here, in addition to fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting especially blood in the stool are a warning signal. Severe courses of disease can be associated with damage to the kidneys, including potentially fatal kidney failure, which is why urgent medical help is required. The EHE epidemic in 2011 has also shown how easily the pathogens can spread and what the dramatic consequences are in this case. (Fp)