How important is a happy partnership?

How important is a happy partnership? / Health News
Representative Survey: Most Germans dream of a happy partnership
For most Germans, a happy partnership is one of the biggest goals in life. It is more important to most German citizens than financial independence. Solid partnerships can also serve health.

Happy partnership as a "life dream"
What the Germans really want can not be bought. This is also shown by a survey of the magazine "Geo", about which the news agency dpa reports. According to the representative Forsa survey, attended by 1,005 adults, a happy partnership is one of the biggest goals in life for the majority of people in Germany. No matter if young or old, woman or man - in each case about 80 percent of respondents described a lasting relationship as a "life dream".

A happy partnership is one of the biggest goals in life for most Germans. It is even more important than financial independence. (Image: detailblick-foto /

Financial independence is less important
Financial independence was only slightly behind in all age groups. It was named by a total of 77 percent of respondents.

In addition to the question of the dreams - to choose from were also "own children", "many trips" and "professional success" - the participants should also answer, whether they were fulfilled.

According to the information, more than one in two (54 percent) said they had realized the wish for a happy partnership. In terms of money, the success rate was only 36 percent.

Partners benefit from each other healthily
People who live in a happy partnership do something good for their health. Men, in particular, benefit from this because women promote the health of their partners, as they are more concerned with healthy eating, smoke less, drink less alcohol and generally pay more attention to their bodies.

The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) has also pointed out in the past that women are key figures in health matters for men.

The importance of partnerships for the physical well-being of those involved has also been shown in scientific studies. In a study, British scientists came to the conclusion that many people live healthier lives thanks to their partners, for example because of their unhealthy lifestyle habits. (Ad)