How many hours of sleep are healthy?

How many hours of sleep are healthy? / Health News

How many hours should one sleep? Sleep is healthy, but the right time is important. A recent study sees a link between sleep duration and the risk of having a heart attack.

(01.08.2010) Permanent, too short sleep permanently damages the health. Because when people never sleep, they sustainably damage the heart and circulation. Seven hours of sleep per day are said to be the most meaningful, according to a US study from the University of West Virginia.

Those who sleep too little harm their health sustainably. This finding is not new, but it was not known that even sleeping too late could negatively impact the organism. Researchers from the University of West Virginia have found from a study that the risk is more than double that of a heart attack or stroke if you sleep less than five hours a day. Sleeping for longer than nine hours increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by an average of one and a half times. Including the afternoon sleep. Seven hours of sleep are therefore the healthiest on average.

The study was published in the medical journal "Sleep". The study examined sleep patterns in 2005 by about 30,000 adult humans. The reasons why the heart attack and stroke risk increases on average with too little or too little sleep can currently only be speculated. Additional studies are needed for this. However, researchers suggest that persistent too little sleep can lead to impaired glucose tolerance and hypertension. This can then lead to a narrowing and arteries caused by deposits and plaques.

When sleeping, the body regenerates again. Superfluous neural connections are broken down again to consolidate new synapses. The fresh information is transferred from the cache to the long-term memory. Sleep serves to process experiences of the day. During sleep, breathing and pulse are slowed down and blood pressure drops significantly. The body temperature drops by a few tenths of a degree. Organs of the body relax and regenerate. So if you sleep well enough, it provides for your health and remains efficient. (Sb)

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