How dizziness can be removed with this new method

How dizziness can be removed with this new method / Health News

New possibilities of diagnosis and therapy for dizziness

Occasional dizziness is a common complaint. With a new system called EQUIVert, the diagnostic options as well as the therapeutic options will be significantly improved in the future.

The new system was developed jointly by researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems IMS in Duisburg with colleagues from the University of Duisburg-Essen, GED Gesellschaft für Elektronik und Design mbH and HNOnet NRW eG. It should enable an objective diagnosis of the symptoms as well as new approaches to therapy.

When dizziness, a new system can be used for objective diagnosis and at the same time significantly improve the treatment. (Image: Stasique /

Diagnosis and treatment so far difficult

Dizziness can bring about significant restrictions for those affected in everyday life, ranging in the worst case to a disability. According to the researchers, dizziness after pain is the second most common reason patients seek out general practitioners' treatment rooms. However, both the diagnosis and treatment have been difficult. How strong the dizziness, are often determined by the doctor only by eye.

Objective evaluation of the dizziness

Thus, patients are asked to either stand still with their eyes closed or to walk in place while the doctor is observing them to get an idea of ​​the extent of the discomfort. However, the diagnosis is by no means objective. This should change in the future with the new EQUIVert system. "With our EQUIVert (...) system, physicians can objectively evaluate dizziness," emphasizes Burkhard Heidemann, group leader at the IMS. For diagnosis, the system uses a screening device called EQUIMedi in the form of a headset and software.

According to the researchers, EQUIVert provides objective data for the diagnosis, since the EQUIMedi device, which has integrated acceleration and yaw rate sensors, can record the exact fluctuations of the patient. The evaluation then takes place on the PC with the analysis program EQUISoft, which allows physicians to diagnose dizziness objectively for the first time, said Heidemann.

Exercise balance

In the treatment of dizziness according to the experts, training helps, but this usually remains limited to the practice of the doctor and lack of effective systems that allow a safe and effective practice in their own home. Here, the new system with the training device EQUIFit offers those affected a good opportunity to ease the dizziness in a simple, safe and efficient way. Patients can exercise their balance at any time - safely, effectively and simply, according to the statement of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

Interplay of different sensory organs

To understand how EQUIVert works, according to the scientists, the causes of vertigo are first explained. So in the healthy body, a whole series of organ and functional systems ensures that we can stand and run safely. Sensors in the inner ear are responsible for detecting the movement of the head and transmitting the information to the brain. Through the eyes, more information about the position of our body in space is conveyed to the brain and also sensors in the skin, joints, muscles and tendons send corresponding information to the brain.

How does dizziness develop??

"If one of these systems is disturbed - be it by diseases in the inner ear, by nerve inflammations or various other causes - the equilibrium organ gives wrong signals", explain the experts. The result was dizziness. However, if the balance is trained, for example on a wobbly board, the brain learns in the long run to deal with the wrong signals. When training with open eyes, however, according to the scientists, the eyes take much of the sense of balance. The dizziness is not really gone. For example, if sufferers lie in bed in a dark room or close their eyes, the complaints return, since no compensation can be made on the information of the eyes more.

Dizziness can be caused by disturbances in the inner ear, but also impairments of other sensory organs often play a role here. (Image: Elvira Gerecht /

User guided by acoustic signals

A training of the sense of balance with closed eyes on the wobbly board would actually be the logical solution, but here the risk of accidents should not be underestimated. This is therefore not an option for training at home. However, the EQUIVert system will solve the problem, the researchers report. Those affected put on their EQUIFit training device and receive the instruction to stand straight over headphones, where they are guided by acoustic signals, explains Burkhard Heidemann.

Balance feedback via the ears

If, for example, patients sway too far to the right during training, a sound that sounds from the right is heard through the headphones, the researchers explain the system. EQUIFit works with the acoustic signals similar to a parking aid and check "how well the patient was able to perform the exercises." So the sufferers are provided an equilibrium feedback that comes not through the eyes, but over the ears, which closely with the Balance are linked. If necessary, the device automatically switches to the next more difficult level after successful practice. (Fp)