How to check for measles vaccine protection
Experts advise to check their own measles vaccine protection
In view of the unexpected renaissance of measles in Germany, much is currently being discussed about the existing gaps in vaccination protection in the population and possible solutions. However, many people are unaware of their personal vaccination status. Theoretically, this can be looked up in the vaccination certificate, but if the document has been lost, the verification of their own vaccination protection sometimes complicated.
The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) offers online a measles vaccination check, with its own vaccination status can be checked. But a concrete answer to the question as to whether a vaccination was made, without a vaccination pass only the treating physicians on the basis of review of their patient record. In theory, the affected patients would have to ask all the doctors who vaccinated them to have the results recorded in a new vaccination certificate issued by their family doctor. In order to avoid uncertainties due to the loss of the vaccination certificate in the future, the German family doctor advises the family doctor on the one hand to inform about all vaccinations and on the other hand to deposit a copy of the vaccination certificate with this, so the news agency „dpa“:
Existing gaps in vaccine protection
The current measles outbreak in Berlin, which according to official statements has already claimed a fatality and brings significant disruption in public life (for example, a school was temporarily closed), clarified in the opinion of the experts, the gaps in vaccination in the population. Everyone should therefore check their own vaccine protection. As an orientation aid, the measles vaccination check of the BZgA can be used. First, we asked the age of the subjects. For example, those who are over 45 years of age are likely to have measles as a child, according to the BZgA, and are therefore protected. „Because measles are highly contagious, so that before the introduction of vaccination in the 1970s, almost all of them already fell ill in childhood“, reports the BZgA.
Re-vaccination recommended
Those who were born after 1970 and vaccinated as a child only once or not against measles, advise the experts to a new vaccination - preferably with the MMR vaccine (MMR = measles, mumps and rubella). Children and adolescents who have been vaccinated only once, according to the BZgA need another vaccination to complete the vaccine protection. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), a one-time vaccination only develops an average protective effect of 91 percent. „If all children were vaccinated against measles only once, it would not be possible to prevent measles outbreaks by requiring at least 95% of the population to be immune to the measles“, the RKI continues to report. With the second vaccination, the vaccination effectiveness increases to 99 percent.
Blood test unsuitable for determination of vaccine protection
The vaccination status can theoretically also be determined by means of a blood test for antibodies against the measles virus, but this so-called titer control is not meaningful, according to the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO). „False positive laboratory findings can not be ruled out for all components to be tested“, reports the RKI. Thus, the blood test suggests in case of doubt, an existing vaccine protection, although this is actually not given. In case of uncertainties regarding their own vaccination status, the experts generally recommend a re-vaccination. Also missed vaccinations should be made up as soon as possible, for example, for persons in community facilities or in the health service is particularly important, so the RKI communication. (Fp)
Picture: Alexandra H.