What are the risk factors for the HPV vaccine?

What are the risk factors for the HPV vaccine? / Health News

Are the risks of HPV vaccinations systematically concealed?

Since SWR's Political Magazine Report Mainz published a paper about a week ago that concludes that the risks of HPV vaccination are being systematically concealed, there has been a heated debate over the benefits and risks of vaccines. Now the professional association of paediatricians gets involved, with sharp criticism of the report.

The vaccination expert of the Professional Association of Paediatricians (BVKJ) and STIKO member Dr. Dr. med. Martin Terhardt in the current communication "in all sharpness back." Both the design of the SWR contribution and the conclusion are heavily criticized by the BVKJ.

Are the risks of HPV vaccination systematically concealed? (Image: Sherry Young / fotolia.com)

HPV vaccine recommendation also for boys

Here, a sloppily researched and one-sided contribution was made in an irresponsible way, which could unsettle many parents and adolescents. Terhardt. The HPV vaccine was safe and could save thousands of women in Germany cervical cancer and save lives. She has proven in countless studies. After a long and extensive research and consultation, the STIKO this year, their HPV vaccination recommendation for girls converted into a gender-neutral recommendation, as well as for men, the vaccine was important. Because it prevents women from getting infected with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in the men and could also prevent penis or anal cancer in men.

Illness as a result of HPV vaccination questionable

In an updated brochure, the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) had reported on the new vaccination recommendations. The SWR report allegedly contained allegedly false information about the safety of the HPV vaccine and used as a hanger the unexplained case of a girl who had fallen ill at the same time as the vaccine. To what extent the vaccine has anything to do with the complaints or whether they only occurred at the same time, remains unclear according to BVKJ. The attending pediatrician also referred only to the temporal context, but will be presented in the article as a "burden witness" against the vaccine. Even if the girl's mother is convinced of the connection, this is no proof.

Interviews with doubtful experts

While the worldwide evidence-based studies are being ignored, the paper has a number of experts who are not always independent and highly qualified, the BVKJ criticizes. For example, the scientists quoted Jesper Mehlsen and Peter Gotzsche (in the Internet "bonus material"), "whose individual contributions did not find the approval of the international Cochrane Collaboration and the scientific vaccine medicine, which would certainly be worth a separate contribution."

Independence and qualification of the experts are not given?

Also questionable are the statements of Klaus Hartmann, "a vaccine damage expert, who has retired for over ten years from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, and now earns his money with appraisals on behalf of some supposed vaccine victims and vaccination opponents." The same applies to the press release of the BVKJ According to the statements of Ingrid Mühlhauser, a health scientist, who ten years ago as a co-author of refuted in many aspects refuted "Bielefeld Manifesto", to stir up the fear of HPV vaccine in girls. Last but not least, Jörg Schaaber of the BUKO Pharma Initiative, which is also cited, is not a serious expert in the field of vaccinations or vaccine complications.

Manipulative and scary reporting

The paper also fails to mention that the World Health Organization (WHO) has for many years been using a Global Commission on Vaccine Safety (GACVS), which also regularly looks at HPV vaccine. Most recently, this was done in 2017 and the data from Japan and Denmark were extensively tested and evaluated. "The result of this test: The HPV vaccine is safe," says the BVKJ. The SWR report, on the other hand, is highly manipulative, and it fuels the fear of life-saving vaccination among parents and adolescents. (Fp)