How does arthrosis develop and what really helps sufferers?

How does arthrosis develop and what really helps sufferers? / Health News
Why get arthritis and what helps against it
Around five million Germans suffer from osteoarthritis. The pain caused by joint wear and tear is often unbearable. Patients often resort to painkillers and spare themselves. Health experts, however, advise against osteoarthritis.

Five million Germans have osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease according to the German Arthrose-Hilfe in Frankfurt am Main. Most affected are hands, knees and hips. Around five million people in Germany have osteoarthritis. One of them is Werner Dau. A news agency dpa reports that he was already suffering from stinging pains in his left shoulder 15 years ago and soon he could barely move. "It hurt when I did not move and even more when I moved." He was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and was struggling with heat and medication for the acute pain. The shoulder stabbing is still there, "but it is bearable," said the now 66-year-old. However, he also has arthritis in the right hip and knee.

Osteoarthritis can theoretically occur in all joints and cause significant pain. (Image: psdesign1 /

Articular cartilage as a shock absorber
The President of the German Rheumatism League in Bonn, Prof. Erika Gromnica-Ihle, explained in the dpa report that the joints, where bone ends collide, are something like shock absorbers. More specifically, the articular cartilage - a smooth and elastic coating that protects the joints - is the shock absorber. Thus, the joints ensure that we can move and they buffer sudden and violent movements. The cartilage is "nourished" by the synovial fluid, which produces the synovial membrane. And especially when people are moving. The cartilage can be injured, for example, by an accident or while exercising. And especially in sports, such as football or handball, where jerky movements or collisions are common. Other causes include incorrect and overloading of the joints. Overweight or a wrong posture or deformations such as X or O legs can also strain the joints.

When the bone changes
The risk of osteoarthritis also increases with age. "The cells in the cartilage lose their function in the course of life to form new, good cartilage tissue," said Gromnica-Ihle. However, not everyone who suffers from cartilage wear is in advanced age - osteoarthritis can also have genetic causes. "It will solve small cartilage parts," said Prof. Andreas Imhoff of the German Arthrose-Hilfe in the agency message. However, experts only speak of osteoarthritis when the bone changes as well.

Pain after a rest
The bone under the diseased cartilage thickens. In the course of osteoarthritis, the cartilage wears off more and more, until finally, in the later stage, bones rub directly on bones. By detached cartilage particles, the synovial membrane can be irritated, produces more synovial fluid, and soon forms an effusion. The joint becomes warm and thick and the patient feels an inflammatory pain. For sufferers, osteoarthritis makes itself felt, among other things, that after a period of rest, for example after prolonged sitting, they feel a pain during a movement or feel stiff. "After a few minutes of exercise, it's back," said Gromnica-Ihle.

Even with the first symptoms to the doctor
Already with these first symptoms, it is recommended to have examined by the family doctor or orthopedic surgeon, in the X-ray usually already the reduction of the joint space, the compression of the bone and bony spikes on the edges of the joints - so-called osteophytes - and possibly the deformation of the joint can see. More clarity is provided by magnetic resonance imaging or arthroscopy, a reflection of the joint in which the surgeon inserts a miniature camera into the joint to check the damage and, if necessary, treat it immediately.

Relieve pain in the acute case
In the acute case, it is primarily about alleviating the symptoms. For example with pain medications or heat or cold applications and relief, as it says in the message of the dpa. But naturopathy relieves osteoarthritis pain and stiffness. These include, among others, devil's claw and nettle extract. There is also a lot that Chinese medicine can do. An important role is played by nutrition. You should not eat meat and cheese in case of arthrosis. This is often recommended by German nutrition experts.

The "big three B" help
As it says in the dpa message, the insertion of a joint prosthesis can be considered if the joint is badly damaged and the pain is always bad. "The right time for an operation is when the patient finds he can not stand the pain," explained Gromnica-Ihle. "But you should always get a second opinion before and not only talk with doctors, but with other stakeholders." The aforementioned Werner Dau sets to alleviate the pain on the "three big B," as he explained: "movement, movement "Exercise." Although joint-friendly sports such as swimming, cycling, Nordic walking or hiking help many sufferers, not every sport is suitable for all types of osteoarthritis. Patients should therefore discuss this best with their doctor or a physiotherapist. Gromnica Ihle emphasized that the progression of osteoarthritis so far can not be influenced, but only the pain can be treated. Nevertheless, affected people can at least do much to alleviate the problem. Werner Dau revealed his very own remedy: "It helps me to take a warm bath." (Ad)