Important for survival This is how a magnesium deficiency manifests itself

Important for survival This is how a magnesium deficiency manifests itself / Health News
Fatigue, headache and co: How to recognize a magnesium deficiency
Magnesium is one of the most important nutrients for humans. Those who permanently consume too little of the trace element endanger their health. Magnesium deficiency is often manifested by non-specific symptoms. If it is recognized, it should be counteracted with appropriate nutrition.

Vital nutrient
Health experts say up to 15 percent of the population has low blood levels for magnesium. The German Society of Nutrition (DGE) recommends intake of 350 to 400 milligrams of magnesium for men and 300 to 350 milligrams for women. The nutrient is vital because it is needed for the function of many enzymes of the metabolism. A magnesium deficiency can be deadly. At the latest when symptoms show a deficiency, should be countered.

Magnesium is vital to our body. Who takes too little of the mineral, endangers his health. Symptoms such as tiredness and headaches may indicate a magnesium deficiency. (Image: Sergey Nivens /

Muscle pain and leg cramps
Magnesium is vital to our body, but it can not be produced by it. Those who eat a healthy and balanced diet can usually meet their magnesium needs through their diet.

But certain factors and life situations make us need more of the mineral. If you are not careful here, you can easily get health complaints.

Classic signs of magnesium deficiency include muscle aches and calf cramps. But there are more hints.

Signs of magnesium deficiency
Constant headaches and migraines, tiredness, dizziness and sleep disorders may also indicate a magnesium deficiency.

More dramatic effects can be problems with the heart. These include palpitations, tachycardia, and cardiac arrhythmias such as heart stumbling.

In addition, magnesium deficiency can lead to stomach problems and nausea, tension in the muscles and mental symptoms such as increased irritability, inner restlessness, confusion, lack of concentration, drowsiness and feelings of anxiety.

Magnesium protects against cardiovascular diseases
Magnesium-rich foods protect against cardiovascular diseases. Chinese scientists have reported that such foods lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

In many cases, magnesium helps very well against hypertension, according to US researchers.

And, according to a study published in the International Journal of Cardiology, the natural compound improves the clinical complaints and quality of life of patients with severe heart failure (heart failure).

The mineral can do even more: A study published in the "Journal of Asthma" found that the administration of magnesium improves lung function in asthma.

Whole foods instead of dietary supplements
You do not have to resort to expensive supplements to consume enough magnesium. A balanced, wholesome diet is usually sufficient. For example, foods high in magnesium include soybeans and healthy legumes such as chickpeas.

Also to be mentioned are wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, cocoa, linseed and brown rice. Green vegetables also contain a lot of magnesium. Important to know: Vegetables and fruits from organic farming often contain more magnesium than products from conventional cultivation.

And healthy figs are veritable magnesium bombs. Last but not least, most mineral water varieties contain much of the important nutrient. (Ad)