Regular cleaning of keyboards during the cold period in the office

Regular cleaning of keyboards during the cold period in the office / Health News
Cold time: Keyboard in the office should be cleaned regularly
"Hatschi": During the wet and cold season you often meet many cold colleagues. To protect themselves from colds, hoarseness and Co., special germs in the office should be avoided. And sufferers stay better at home.
Cure at home
With the recent fall, the cold season has begun in many offices. Anette Wahl-Wachendorf, Vice-President of the Federation of Plant and Factory Physicians, said in a recent news agency dpa news that sufferers should stay home early enough to prevent a colleague from passing the cold to the next. But the reality often looks very different. Research from recent years has shown that many workers go to work sick. Especially in the generation of 30- to 40-year-olds, patients would not recover properly.

Dirty keyboards can easily pass on germs. (Image: somjring34 /

In Tatstaturen germs accumulate
In the office, the keyboards should be cleaned regularly. Especially when several people share a desk, employees can disinfect the keyboard again and again. Because bacteria and germs accumulate there especially frequently. This also applies to accessories, such as the computer mouse. And for phones, according to experts, the highest germ levels in the office. Furthermore, it helps to wash your hands a little more often than usual and - if possible - to avoid door handles and similar germs.

Ensure a strong immune system
Whether at work or at home: To protect yourself from a cold, you should pay attention to the best possible resistance. To strengthen the immune system, you should eat a lot of fruit, do sports regularly and often get out of the bus one stop earlier than usual and walk. But if you have infected yourself, the disease should be cured in peace. It can help various natural home remedies for cold or other ailments that occur. (Ad)