WHO warning of the silent killer hypertension

WHO warning of the silent killer hypertension / Health News

World Health Day: WHO addresses hypertension


Nearly a sixth of the world's population is affected by high blood pressure. He is considered the number one cause of death worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) focuses on World Health Day.

Healthier lifestyle
Smoking, too little exercise, too much alcohol, fatty and salty food; These are very important factors that can cause high blood pressure. One billion people are affected. A majority of the population are the triggers known, however, hypertension often goes unnoticed longer. The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that more than nine million people die every year from the effects of high blood pressure. There is also an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes or kidney failure. "However, healthier lifestyles can significantly reduce these risks," said WHO Director Margaret Chan on the occasion of the upcoming World Health Day on 7 April.

Check blood pressure regularly
Because it initially causes almost no symptoms and thus often remains untreated for too long, chronic hypertension is also „silent, invisible killer“ called. "Public awareness must be increased and the opportunities for early detection improved," Chan demands. A contribution to this is the World Health Day under the motto „Control your blood pressure“ Afford.
120 to 80 mmHG is considered normal blood pressure. Hypertension is over 140 to 90 for permanent values. The earlier rule of thumb „Age plus 100“ is considered outdated, today, according to international agreement hypertension from a value of about 140/90 mmHg.

Negative globalization
On Wednesday, Chan told a WHO report presented in Geneva on the growing danger of hypertension, as the condition hypertension is also called: „People need to know why elevated blood pressure is dangerous and what they can do about it.“ While there were about 600 million in 1980, there are already around one billion people suffering from hypertension. According to WHO, in addition to the growth and aging of the world population „the globalization of unhealthy lifestyle“ to the main causes of the increase.

Although there are relatively cheap medicines for chronic hypertension, it is important that those affected should set their own rules. As much as possible avoid or reduce alcohol, nicotine, salt, overweight and constant stress and be physically active on a regular basis. Numerous studies have shown that high blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Worldwide differences
Surprisingly, hypertension is less common in wealthy countries than in poor regions. This is according to WHO at the effective public education. In Africa, the problem is greatest with a 46 percent share of over 25-year-olds who suffer from high blood pressure. The global average is 40 percent in this age group and 35 percent in wealthier countries.

world Health Day
Since 1950, an urgent medical problem has been raised annually by the World Health Organization on 7 April. This World Health Day also commemorates the founding of the United Nations on 7 April 1948. (Ad)

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Image: Dieter Schütz / Pixelio