WHO warning measles infections rose sharply

WHO warning measles infections rose sharply / Health News

Measles spread worldwide - also in Germany

Due to gaps in vaccine coverage, severe measles outbreaks occurred worldwide in 2017, causing the death of around 110,000 people. In Germany, too, the number of infections has risen again. This is clear from a recent report recently published by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other leading health organizations.

The largest increases in cases were reported by the WHO in the Americas, the Eastern Mediterranean and Europe. Many countries have experienced long and serious outbreaks. The current report provides a comprehensive picture of the spread of measles in the last 17 years. According to the report, more than 21 million lives have been rescued since 2000 by a measles vaccine. Since 2016, however, the number of cases has again increased dramatically. The WHO speaks of an increase of 30 percent.

The WHO warns of a rapid worldwide increase in measles infections. In 2017, 110,000 people died of the serious infectious disease. (Image: Dan Race / fotolia.com)

Dead people live longer

"The resuscitation of measles is extremely worrying," says Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Deputy Director-General of WHO in a press release. In the last two years, the measles have also increasingly occurred in countries where the infectious disease was almost defeated. There is a risk that we will lose decades of progress in protecting children and communities against this devastating but completely preventable disease.

Measles are often underestimated

Dr. Swaminathan strongly suggests that efforts be stepped up to increase vaccine coverage and to identify populations that have little or no immunization. Measles is a serious and highly contagious disease that can result in fatal complications. An infection could lead to encephalitis (brain inflammation), severe diarrhea, dehydration, pneumonia, ear infections and permanent vision loss. Babies and malnourished infants are particularly susceptible to serious complications.

Deadly carelessness

"The disease can be permanently prevented by only two doses of a safe and effective vaccine," report the WHO experts. Worldwide coverage of the first vaccine dose is around 85 percent. However, 95% coverage is needed to prevent epidemics. At the second vaccine dose, the coverage is even only 67 percent.

You reap what you sow

"The increase in measles cases is deeply worrying, but not surprising," commented Drs. Seth Berkley, Managing Director of Health Organization Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. He sees the reasons for the resuscitation of measles in the spread of falsehoods about the vaccine, the collapsed health system in Venezuela and the low vaccination density in Africa. He warns against even more severe breakout waves, if nothing is done against the sinking vaccine coverage.

Health organizations call for more acceptance

The organizations are calling for public support and more acceptance of vaccinations. At the same time, action should be taken to tackle false information on the measles vaccine. However, the strongest effort should be made to reach the poorest and most disadvantaged communities. (Vb)