WHO warns against return of the plague

WHO warns against return of the plague / Health News
Dangerous plague: Pest could spread according to WHO
The plague is one of the most devastating epidemics in human history. Especially in the Middle Ages, the "Black Death" claimed millions of lives. Even today, there are epidemics in many regions. The World Health Organization (WHO) now warns that the plague that is currently occurring in Madagascar could spread further.

Pest could spread from Madagascar
The dangerous infectious disease Pest has accompanied mankind for thousands of years and has repeatedly led to devastating epidemics with millions of deaths in the past. Even today, there are cases of illness in some regions. So the plague is currently occurring in Madagascar. The World Health Organization (WHO) now warns that the disease could spread from there to other countries in the region.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the plague that is currently occurring in Madagascar could spread further. Mostly the disease is transmitted by rats. (Image: kichigin19 / fotolia.com)

Illness can be treated with antibiotics nowadays
The plague is a highly contagious bacterial infectious disease. Most common form is the bubonic plague, which is accompanied by fever, headache, body aches and inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area.

In the Middle Ages, millions of people died from the so-called "Black Death". Nowadays the disease can be treated with antibiotics. Yet people still die from it.

According to WHO, there were 3,248 cases worldwide from 2010 to 2015, including 584 deaths. "The currently three most endemic countries are the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar and Peru," the organization writes on its website.

Epidemic season has just begun
Dr. Charlotte Ndiaye, WHO representative in Madagascar, said in a statement on the situation in her country: "The WHO is concerned that the plague could spread further because it is already present in several cities and is now the beginning of the epidemic season which usually lasts from September to April. "

In addition, because of the numerous flights, there is a risk that the highly contagious epidemic will reach the neighboring islands in the Indian Ocean, WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier said, according to a message from the news agency AFP.

The danger is only "moderately high". Therefore, the WHO does not issue a travel warning. The expert classified the danger of spreading beyond the region as "low".

Poor health care and poor hygiene
Madagascar has plague waves every year. Mostly the disease is transmitted by rats. Experts blame poor hygiene and poor health care for the recurring plague events on the island.

According to the AFP report, 133 people have been infected since a recent outbreak in early August, 24 of whom have since died.

It is said that this year is particularly dangerous that at the same time occur cases of bumps and the less frequent pulmonary plague. This is transmitted from person to person and, if left untreated, can kill those affected within 24 hours.

To make matters worse, the plague has now reached even larger places, including the capital Antananarivo. (Ad)