WHO warns of major dangers from smoking

WHO warns of major dangers from smoking / Health News

At least six million deaths from smoking worldwide per year


Even though smoking is becoming increasingly attractive among adolescents and young adults in this country, there is still a massive threat from cigarette consumption - as almost six million people worldwide die each year from episodes of heart attack, lung cancer or smoker's lung. As a result, the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for a strict ban on tobacco advertising, as young people in particular would continue to be tempted to smoke by the advertising efforts of the tobacco industry.

By 2030, more deaths are expected
According to the World Health Organization, nearly six million people fall victim to smoking every year, and there are likely to be more cases in the near future, because ... „if current trends continue, the number of smoking deaths is expected to increase to 8 million a year by 2030“, the latest press release from the WHO on the occasion of the publication of the „WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2013“. By far the highest fatalities have been recorded in low-income and middle-income countries, where young people are at great risk from the tobacco industry „ignoring the harmful effects of smoking, tobacco companies invest tens of billions of dollars each year in advertising, promotion and sponsorship“, the WHO communication continues.

WHO calls for strict ban on tobacco advertising
Accordingly, WHO calls for a clear ban on tobacco advertising because: „If we do not pull together and ban tobacco advertising, sponsorship and promotional efforts, adolescents and young adults will continue to be led into smoking by a more than ever aggressive tobacco industry“, explains WHO Director-General Margaret Chan. There would be good chances in the fight against the blue haze, according to the WHO, because „Although tobacco use continues to be number one among preventable causes of death worldwide, there are proven, cost-effective ways to combat this deadly epidemic“, so the WHO in her „Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2013“.

Smoking ban in the workplace ensures success
For example, the creation of smoke-free public spaces and workplaces „still the most frequently implemented measure with the highest success rate“, between 2007 and 2012, 32 countries had introduced total smoking bans on all workplaces, public places and public transport, which now „In addition, almost 900 million people are protected“, besides „Since 2010, 12 countries and a territory with a total of 350 million people have adopted smoke-free legislation at national level“, the study on global tobacco consumption continues.

In 67 countries currently no advertising bans
However, according to the WHO, there are currently 67 countries where legal advertising would continue to be carried out legally and there would be no ban on tobacco advertising on radio and television - according to Dr Margaret Chan, there is an urgent need for action, because „Every country has a responsibility to protect its population from tobacco-related illness, disability or death“, said the director-general of the World Health Organization. (No)