WHO warns against spread of measles

WHO warns against spread of measles / Health News

WHO blames inadequate vaccination for the spread of measles


The measles could spread again increasingly. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in many countries inadequate immunization is responsible for putting the eradication of infectious disease at a distance. Worldwide, the number of measles deaths from 2012 to 2013 has increased from 122,000 to more than 145,000. Although it has been possible since the millennium to reduce measles deaths by 75 percent, but that is still far from the target of 95 percent by 2015, the WHO said in a statement.

Target vaccination rate has not been achieved in Germany so far
„Improving measles vaccination coverage has led to major outbreaks of this highly contagious disease, which has thwarted eradication targets by 2015, "said Dr. Peter Strebel of WHO, Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologics.All Member States The six WHO regions had fixed targets for the eradication of measles. „Countries urgently need to prioritize preservation and improvement of vaccination rates. Failure to reverse this alarming trend could jeopardize the momentum generated by a decade of success in reducing measles mortality, "Strebel continued.

The main reason for the lack of progress in widening vaccine protection, according to the WHO, is mainly in Africa, India and Pakistan. On a global average, vaccination coverage stagnates at 85 percent. At least 95 percent are necessary to push back and eradicate the measles, according to the expert opinion. Even in Germany, the measles vaccination target has not been achieved. In this country, the vaccination rate of new schoolchildren with two necessary vaccinations is 92.4 percent.

In addition to a severely weakened general condition, measles infection can cause life-threatening lung and brain inflammation. (Ag)

Picture: siepmannH