WHO classifies video game addiction as a mental illness

WHO classifies video game addiction as a mental illness / Health News

WHO: Video Addiction is included in International Classification of Diseases

Video games are especially popular with younger people. However, many parents are worried that many games are harmful to children. In fact, the constant "Daddeln" can have negative consequences. Some people can not stop it anymore and become addicted to it. The World Health Organization (WHO) will include video gambling addiction in the International Classification of Diseases next year.

Video game addiction is included in International Classification of Diseases

Computer games are particularly popular with children and adolescents. Parents are usually less pleased about it. Because video games have the reputation of being aggressive or antisocial. In addition, many people no longer get away from the console and the screen and develop a gambling addiction. This is not taken seriously by many so far. This could change soon. Because the World Health Organization (WHO) wants to add the gambling addiction to video games next year in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).

Computer games are extremely popular with children and adolescents. For some, so much so that they become dependent on it. WHO plans to include video game addiction in the International Classification of Diseases next year. (Image: Andrey Popov / fotolia.com)

Effects of computer games

Video games are often better than their reputation. So scientific research has shown that some computer gamers can learn much better and that video games are sometimes good for brain development.

In addition, researchers recently reported that certain video games might protect against dementia.

However, studies also showed the negative aspects of "Daddeln". Canadian scientists have found that some video games can destroy valuable brain mass in the hippocampus area.

In addition, such games can make dependent.

Overriding other vital interests

The World Health Organization (WHO) is expected to adopt its new International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (IDC) in May 2018.

Then, for the first time, video game addiction will also be included in the globally recognized medical diagnosis classification system.

"Gaming disorder" is apparently ranked among the gambling addiction, as evidenced by an already publicly available design of the new ICD version 11.

The video game addiction is therefore as "disorder due to addictive behavior" in the field of "mental, behavioral or neurological developmental disorders" out.

A gambling disorder manifests itself among other things by an "increasing priority for the play to the extent that the play has priority over other life interests and daily activities", write the experts.

"The behavioral pattern is so severe that it can be severely impaired in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important functional areas," it continues.

"The pattern of play behavior can be continuous or episodic and recurrent." A diagnosis can usually only be made after about twelve months.

Not every player has a fault

"Health experts need to recognize that gambling disorders can have serious health consequences," said Vladimir Poznyak of the WHO Department of Mental Health and Drug Abuse, a British Independent newspaper.

"Most people who play video games are not disturbed, just as most people who drink alcohol do not have a problem," says the expert.

But: "In certain circumstances, however, overuse can have adverse effects." (Ad)