WHO classifies diesel exhaust as carcinogenic

WHO classifies diesel exhaust as carcinogenic / Health News

Diesel fumes cause cancer


Researchers from the World Health Organization (WHO) recently classified diesel exhaust from cars and machinery as carcinogenic. „The scientific proof is convincing“, said Christopher Portier, head of such a study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, which is part of the WHO. However, the automotive industry vehemently disagrees with the researchers and criticizes the fact that the investigation is based on emission levels of old diesel engines without filter systems.

Diesel exhaust gases are said to cause lung and possibly bladder cancer
The researchers of the WHO had come together and agreed that diesel exhaust emissions in humans cause lung cancer, said Portier in a statement by the IARC. The findings were presented after a seven-day discussion by an international research team in Lyon. In addition to the scientific evidence for the development of lung cancer, there is also the suspicion that diesel exhaust emissions associated with bladder cancer, it said.

However, the risk of developing cancer by inhaling the exhaust gases is relatively low. The researchers emphasized that people are more likely to be affected who are frequently exposed to diesel exhaust gas on a regular or work-related basis. They could be assumed to have a direct link to lung cancer, the researchers said. In the statement of July 12, they wrote: „Today, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified diesel exhaust as carcinogenic to humans.“ The scientists demand because of the frightening study results: „Worldwide, the contact of people with this mixture of chemicals has to be reduced.“ Currently, however, are „Large parts of the population are exposed to diesel exhaust in their daily lives, be it through their job or the ambient air“. The „Southgerman newspaper“ According to estimates by IARC chief Kurt Straif, the risk for professional drivers is similar to that of passive smokers. Passersby on the street would have a lower risk. Nevertheless, the researchers advise further investigations.

Automotive industry contradicts researchers
The Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) contradicts the statements of the researchers and criticizes that only obsolete engines were used for the investigation. „These eight-year-old engines in no way represent the advanced diesel technology available on the market today. "The association argues that the Euro 6 emissions standard, which will be mandatory from 2014, means that vehicles emit 98 percent less particulate matter, carbon monoxide and volatile hydrocarbons than before the introduction of the exhaust emission standard 20 years ago, and in the case of nitrogen oxides, which are also contained in diesel exhaust gases, the decline by the new pollutant class corresponds to 75 percent. „The economical and clean diesel engine is and remains an essential component of the sustainable drive and fuel strategy“, explained the association.

Environmentalists demand expansion of the environmental zones
Meanwhile, environmental groups have called for environmental zones to be extended to better protect people from the harmful effects of diesel exhaust emissions. Jens Hilgenberg from the German Federal Government for the Environment and Nature Conservation told ZDF: "Studies in Berlin have shown that environmental zones are a good way to minimize soot in the cities." In addition, the policy must begin to reduce the emissions also in diesel engines, diesel ships and diesel locomotives. (Ag)