WHO study More than 25 million unsafe abortions per year

WHO study More than 25 million unsafe abortions per year / Health News
Millions of abortions take place under unsafe conditions
The reasons for an abortion can be extremely diverse, with the lack of opportunities for later care of the child often playing a role, especially in poorer countries. In addition, abortions in these countries are often performed under conditions that pose a significant health risk for women. Around 25 million such unsafe abortions are performed each year worldwide, according to a recent study.

The joint study by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Guttmacher Institute shows that millions of unsafe abortions are performed each year - most of them (97 percent) in the developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America. An improved access to contraceptives could contribute to a significant reduction in unwanted pregnancies and thus to a reduction in unsafe abortions, the researchers report. The results of her study were published in the journal "The Lancet".

For many women in developing countries, unsafe abortions are the only way to end an unwanted pregnancy. Every year around 25 million abortions occur in unsafe conditions worldwide, leading to the risk of massive complications. (Image: unlimit3d / fotolia.com)

More than 55 million abortions per year
For the current study, abortions worldwide were evaluated in 2010 and 2011. Scientists used the WHO definition to differentiate between safe and unsafe abortions, with unsafe abortions further subdivided into less safe and least safe methods. Of the 55.7 million abortions per year, 30, 6 million (55 percent) were considered "safe", 17.1 million (31 percent) were "less secure" and eight million (14 percent) "least" for sure".

Distinction between safe and unsafe pregnancies
Safe abortion methods are in line with WHO guidelines and standards. Abortions are performed by well-trained health workers using a WHO-recommended method based on duration of pregnancy. The risk of serious complications or death remains negligible in these abortions, according to the researchers. Abnormal abortions are classified as "less certain", although they are performed by a trained provider but with an uncertain or outdated method. Or vice versa, by an inexperienced person, but with a safe method such as misoprostol (drug that can be used for abortion).

Many deaths from unsafe abortion
The least reliable abortions were performed by inexperienced people using dangerous methods such as the introduction of foreign bodies or the use of herbal compounds, the researchers report. The deaths of unsafe abortion are not uncommon. In addition, there are increasing threats of complications such as incomplete abortion, infertility, haemorrhage (bleeding), uterine injuries and infections, the experts explain.

Unsafe abortions, especially in developing countries
Overall, the study found 25.1 million (45 percent) unsafe abortions per year, with 24.3 million of them in developing countries. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that there are more abortions. On the other hand, the proportion of unsafe abortions in these countries is significantly higher than in modern industrial nations. Furthermore, the situation in countries with highly restrictive abortion laws, in which abortions are sometimes completely prohibited, extremely problematic, the scientists report.

Contraceptives and safe abortion methods are crucial
"If women and girls can not access effective contraception and safe abortion services, there are serious consequences for their own and their families' health," the researchers warned in a press release on the study findings. Far too many women suffer and continue to die as a result of unsafe abortions, experts say. Here, especially in developing countries, there is an urgent need for "increased efforts to ensure access to contraception and safe abortion". Bela Ganatra from the WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research.

Restrictive laws with adverse effect
In their study, the researchers also examined the factors that cause women to have an unsafe abortion. In addition to the financial costs, for example, the limited availability of safe abortion, the lack of training of healthcare providers and the social attitudes to abortions are important. In countries where abortions are banned, only one in four abortions was considered safe, while in countries "where abortion is legal for broader reasons, nearly nine out of every ten abortions were safely performed," the researchers report.

Low abortion rates in North America and Western Europe
"In the high-income countries of North America and Western and Northern Europe, where abortion is largely legal and health care systems are strong, the incidence of unsafe abortions is the lowest worldwide," Dr. Gilda Sedgh from the Guttmacher Institute. In addition, the lowest abortion rate is also found in some of these countries. "Like many other medical procedures, abortion is very safe when done in accordance with the recommended medical guidelines, and that's important to remember," the study concludes. Sedgh. (Fp)