WHO reports great progress in the fight against tropical diseases

WHO reports great progress in the fight against tropical diseases / Health News
Dengue fever, sleeping sickness and co-advances in the fight against tropical diseases
Especially in the poor developing countries in Africa, Asia and South and Central America billions of people are threatened by some deadly infectious diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) is now reporting great successes in the fight against numerous tropical diseases. The infection rates are decreasing.

Great achievements in the fight against tropical infectious diseases
The World Population Foundation has historically reported that around 1 million deaths occur each year from malaria, dengue fever, and other diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks, or flies. Numerous organizations and states have been trying for years to reduce dangerous infectious diseases, especially in the poor countries of Africa, Asia and South and Central America. Experts now report great successes in this area.

Tropical diseases that are often transmitted by mosquitoes,
represent a huge health risk for billions of people. However, the WHO is now reporting great success in the fight against the sometimes deadly infectious diseases. (Image: Kletr / fotolia.com)

Millions of people saved from damage to health
As the news agency AFP reports, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported great successes in the fight against 18 major tropical diseases.

In recent years, "unprecedented progress" has been made against these long-neglected diseases through coordinated efforts by WHO with aid agencies and pharmaceutical companies.

"Thanks to one of the most effective public health partnerships, millions of people have been saved from harm and poverty," said WHO chief Margaret Chan.

Poor patient without access to therapies
According to the information, two billion people were threatened in 2010 by these diseases, now there are still 1.6 billion. There are still about 170,000 people dying every year.

According to the agency message, these illnesses are related to conditions such as dengue fever, sleeping sickness or the parasitic guinea worm.

For their treatment, there are effective therapies, but these are often inaccessible to the mostly poor patients.

One billion people treated
WHO, governments and pharmaceutical companies agreed in 2012 in the London Declaration on a common fight against these diseases. Since then, the corporations have provided several hundred million treatment doses each year.

According to AFP, in 2015 one billion people were treated for at least one of these diseases.

WHO has been very successful in some of the worst diseases. For example, only 25 cases of Guinea worm infections were recorded last year, feeding on the infected body.

In 1989 there were still 900,000 infected. According to WHO, the disease could now be completely eradicated.

She also reported success in sleeping sickness. The number had dropped from 37,000 cases in 1989 to 2,804 in 2015. Again, an eradication of the disease is within reach.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates, whose Foundation is a leader in the collaboration, said the findings signaled a "milestone in global health" achieved through joint and coordinated efforts. (Ad)