WHO measles increase in Europe

WHO measles increase in Europe / Health News

Measles outbreak in Europe: number of new infections has increased according to WHO


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 6,000 people have contracted measles disease in recent months. The WHO makes a relative re-spread of the disease „Impfablehnung“ responsible for the population.

According to the WHO, the European area has experienced a fairly large outbreak of the measles infectious disease in recent months. In about 6,500 patients in 33 European countries, the children's disease was diagnosed. Most cases of infection were reported from France. In the first quarter (January to March) of this year, 4937 people were infected. In the whole of the previous year, there were just over 5000 reported cases (5,090), so that experts from the WHO assume that the previous year 2011 is exceeded by far.

Infectious disease measles
Measles are caused by highly contagious measles viruses by droplet infection, which mainly affect children. In addition to the typical measles red patches on the skin causes the infectious disease fever and a very weakened general condition. In unfavorable constellations, life-threatening complications such as pneumonia or meningitis may occur. However, such serious cases occur only in 0.1 percent of cases.

Vaccination rejection widespread
For the new germination of the disease, WHO blames widespread vaccine drowsiness in the population. Many times vaccinations are rejected for ideological reasons or simply forgotten. According to research by the WHO, especially the 10 to 19 year olds are often not vaccinated. However, at least 90 percent of Europeans should be vaccinated to prevent such spread, according to the WHO. In addition to France, at least two major measles outbreaks since October 2010 have been reported in Andalusia, Spain. In Macedonia, at least 400 people have been infected since the beginning of the year.

Distribution of measles in Germany
Not only France, Spain and Macedonia, but also Germany is the center of regular outbreaks. Last year, a total of 780 cases of infection were officially registered. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), this corresponds to an increase of around 25 percent compared to the same period of the previous year (plus 200). Since January 2011 to date, around 230 people have been infected with the measles virus. About half of all cases were reported from Baden-Württemberg. According to the health authorities, the morbidity rate is so far about seven times as high as in the previous year. Out of 107 patients, 45 children were under the age of ten. In the previous year, the previous year's figure was 16 cases.

Triple and quadruple vaccinations
A measles vaccine is given as a triple or quadruple vaccination. In most cases, a combination of measles, mumps and rubella or measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox is vaccinated. Possible side effects A vaccine can be fever, headache and fatigue. In addition, local pain, swelling and redness may occur at the site of the injection. Occasionally severe vaccination complications were observed, leading to allergic reactions. Very rare are brain inflammation or a drop in platelet count. Since such reactions have already occurred, the measles vaccination is repeatedly discussed controversially, especially by vaccine critics. There are no proven complications such as allergies, asthma, diabetes or Crohn's disease. Critics complain that studies on this have not been undertaken in detail in order to completely exclude a connection.

Measles party for immunization
Very far and critically eyed by medical professionals are so-called„Measles Party“ in the non-infected are deliberately brought together with infected children. Thus, it should be ensured that the children become infected at an early stage and thus obtain a subsequent immunization. An onset of the disease in later adulthood increases the risk of serious complications. Of such „Measles parties“ However, many conventional doctors advise against it. Finally, the disease is as such „not trivialize“. (Sb)

Also read:
The measles are raging in Baden-Württemberg
The infectious disease measles spreads
Measles also affects adults

Picture: Gerd Altmann