Do not bet this number puzzle shares the Facebook community

Do not bet this number puzzle shares the Facebook community / Health News
On Facebook is currently a number puzzle round, in which everything revolves around the 3. The post by Senad Hasani is about counting how many threes are in the picture. The young man who has put the riddle on the net says: "No one can do it".
Numerical puzzle makes for a great response
Just recently, a simple online reckoning on the Internet, with which you can calculate the age of the shoe size. Now the social media community is busy with a number riddle that Facebook user Senad Hasani put on the Internet a few days ago. It's about finding out how many threes are visible on a picture. The puzzle has been commented on over 220,000 times and shared more than 3,600. The 18-year-old Senad has not yet dissolved it. The young man from Minden (North Rhine-Westphalia) cheeky writes: "No one can do it?"

How many threes are to be seen?
In the photo that Senad has posted on his private Facebook account, you can see a smartphone screenshot with the phone app opened and the phone number of a woman typed. Since in the photo not only in the number and the number pad, but also in other places such as the time to see threes, the commentators on Facebook do not agree on how many are ultimately. Senad Hasani, who previously regularly published photos and videos - such as cover versions sung by him - on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram, is covered. Although there are already questions such as: "Does one dissolve one?", But no indication of when and if this should happen.

Spiritual training keeps the brain fit
Meanwhile, there are not only annoyed users who are waiting for an answer, but also critical voices, who wonder how such a simple riddle can even provide so much enthusiasm. If you look at it from a health perspective, it makes perfect sense to deal with puzzles. Intellectual training helps to keep the brain fit into old age. Senad can still take his time until he reveals which answer he thinks right. (Ad)