Valuable protection against diseases Hazelnuts are a perfect source of vitamin E

Valuable protection against diseases Hazelnuts are a perfect source of vitamin E / Health News

Full of healthy vitamins and minerals: the hazelnut

Hazelnuts are great for snacking in between, they are part of nut mixes and enrich hearty and sweet dishes. The high-energy fruits contain numerous healthy minerals and trace elements. In addition, they are a good source of vitamin E.

Health benefits of hazelnut

Health experts say you should eat hazelnuts more often. Finally, the delicious fruits are full of healthy vitamins and minerals. Even against serious illnesses, they can protect you. For example, scientific studies have shown that nuts are effective against colorectal cancer and heart disease. But they offer even more health benefits.

Hazelnuts are rich in healthy vitamins and minerals. The high-energy fruits can protect themselves from dangerous diseases. (Image: Dionisvera / fotolia.dom)

Human body can not produce vitamin E itself

As the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE) reports on its website, hazelnuts are a good source of vitamin E that the human body can not produce itself.

This vitamin is intended to protect against cardiovascular diseases, slow aging processes in the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerate wound healing.

Hazelnuts also contain various B-group vitamins, such as folic acid, as well as minerals and trace elements. In particular, calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper and zinc can be found therein.

Also important phytochemicals such as carotenoids and flavonoids are present, both of which have a cytoprotective effect.

High-energy food

The hazelnut is a high-energy food. After all, 100 grams of hazelnuts contain 644 kilocalories, which is equivalent to the calories of seven bananas or ten apples.

This is mainly due to the high fat content of 62 grams. However, these are mainly unsaturated fatty acids that have a positive effect on lipid metabolism.

However, one is also quickly saturated due to the high fiber and protein content, so that a weight gain with modest enjoyment is rather not to be feared.

One of the oldest native fruits

Hazelnuts come in different shapes and qualities. According to the BZfE they are divided into three groups according to their shape: round, pointed and almond-shaped.

Most often we have the round, medium-sized hazelnuts, which are easy to crack and of very high quality. Therefore, they are usually offered as whole cores.

Botanically, it is a "real" nut fruit. That is, the pericarp is completely woody and encloses an edible seed.

The hazelnuts offered by us are predominantly from varieties of the common hazel Corylus avellana - also known as "Zellernüsse" - or the Lambert shasel Corylus maxima, the so-called "Lamb's nut".

The common hazel is also widespread in our country and is one of the oldest native fruits.

Allergy sufferers should be careful

Hazelnuts are an ideal snack in between - pure, salted or roasted - and can easily be incorporated into the diet.

They enrich every fruit muesli, are a great addition to fruit salads, desserts or when baking - as whole kernels, chopped or ground.

But beware: hazelnut shrubs belong to the birch family. People with birch pollen allergy can develop a cross allergy to hazelnuts.

Therefore, caution is advised, especially because processed hazelnuts are found in many products. That's why you should always pay attention to the list of ingredients. (Ad)