Fewer lung cancer deaths through targeted preventive medical check-ups
Targeted screening can significantly reduce mortality from lung cancer
According to health experts, around one in four people in the European Union die from cancer. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in Europe. One reason for this is that this cancer is often diagnosed late. According to experts, a targeted screening could significantly reduce the mortality from lung cancer.
Lung cancer is often recognized late
Lung cancer is still underestimated according to health experts. And although this disease is the leading cause of cancer death in Europe. The disease is also so dangerous because symptoms are often not noticed and therefore the diagnosis is late. However, a targeted lung cancer screening could significantly reduce the mortality rates, as a study has now shown.
According to scientific research, regular screening could significantly reduce the mortality from lung cancer. (Image: Nonwarit / fotolia.com)Every year over 50,000 new cases
Although a study published at the beginning of the year showed that cancer mortality in Germany was reduced, this does not apply equally to all cancers.
Thus, the number of lung cancer cases is still very high. Every year around 54,000 people in Germany suffer from it. 45,000 people die every year from this cancer.
Lung cancer continues to lead the cancer death statistics. Despite all advances in drug therapy, the survival rates are unfavorable.
According to health experts, one main reason for this is that many patients are diagnosed late-stage.
Death rates could be lowered significantly
As reported by the University Hospital of Freiburg in a communication, a study from the Benelux countries presented at the "World Conference on Lung Cancer" in Toronto now shows that through targeted radiological check-ups the death rates in men by more than 26 percent and in women even around more than 30 percent can be lowered.
According to the data, humans between 50 and 74 years of age were screened by computed tomography (CT) of the chest as a precautionary measure.
Subjects had smoked more than 10 cigarettes daily for more than 30 years or smoked more than 15 cigarettes daily for more than 25 years.
The current data from Europe confirm investigations that were carried out several years ago in the USA.
These showed that the regular rate of lung cancer screening reduced the death rate of heavy smokers by 20 percent.
Screening for high-risk patients
Prof. Dr. Bernward Passlick, medical director of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the University Hospital of Freiburg and head of the local lung cancer center, therefore calls now finally in Germany to find clear rules to provide high-risk patients with a suitable check-up.
"In addition to the important prevention by abstaining from nicotine, this may be a suitable means to significantly reduce the cancer mortality," said Professor Passlick.
Such a screening could be suitable for high-risk patients, such as active or former very heavy smokers.
The current study shows how much computerized tomography (CT) screening benefits such people:
Thus, for those patients who underwent CT screening, 50 percent had lung cancer at a stage when the cancer was still well operable. The chances of a cure are good here.
In the control group, on the other hand, nearly 50 percent of patients were diagnosed with lung cancer at a stage when metastases had already developed and their chances of recovery were significantly worse. (Ad)