Less health risks More and more low-radiation smartphones in retail

Less health risks More and more low-radiation smartphones in retail / Health News
Low-radiation mobile phones with less health risks
The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) reports a pleasing trend towards lower-radiation mobile phones and smartphones. This emerges from a recent review of the BfS, which was supplemented by exactly 170 new models. The list is published on the internet.

Cell phones should not be carried in your pocket all the time. Picture: Kwangmoo - fotolia

Since 2002, the BfS has been collecting the radiation values ​​of the mobile phones available on the German market at regular intervals and published the information on the Internet. In this way, every mobile phone user can query the data of their current device and obtain information in advance on the radiation properties when selecting a new model. Devices that do not exceed a maximum SAR value of 0.6 watts per kilogram when operated on the head are considered low-radiation.

Although today's mobile phones are becoming more and more technical, they seem to become less radiant at the same time, according to the BfS.

Following the most recent update, the list on the BfS website lists nearly 3,000 devices from more than 70 manufacturers - including tablets and older models that are no longer manufactured. Including the older models, the proportion of low-radiation mobile phones is 40 percent. If only current models are considered, the proportion is even 55 percent.

SAR stands for "Specific Absorption Rate" and is a measure of the radio frequency energy absorbed by the body tissue when using mobile phones. It is expressed in watts per kilogram. To exclude the health effects of high-frequency fields, this value should not exceed 2 watts per kilogram.