Little good nursing homes in Bavaria

Little good nursing homes in Bavaria / Health News

Good nursing homes in Bavaria, according to a study in short supply


The quality of nursing homes in Germany is not only extremely different from one institution to another, but also varies considerably between the federal states. Bavaria counts thereby according to an evaluation of the news magazine „Focus“ on the basis of the data of the medical service of the health insurance to the federal states with less good nursing homes.

While in the neighboring state of Baden-Württemberg most well-rated nursing homes are to be found, Bayern has in this regard, only little quality to offer, the paper reported, citing a survey of the Medical Service of the health insurance (MDK). The search for a suitable nursing home is therefore much more difficult for people in Bavaria than in other federal states. About possible causes can only be speculated.

Not very good nursing homes in Bavaria
In the survey of the Medical Service of Health Insurance (MDK) in 2011, 293 nursing homes in Baden-Württemberg got the top grade, in Bavaria, however, were only 27, reports the „Focus“. Older people in need of care and their dependents therefore have much greater difficulty finding a good care place in Bavaria. In Bavaria, the care facilities were particularly well under the leadership of the group „Dr. Loew“ rated. Overall, they received an average rating of 1.1, which approximates the highest grade. According to a report in the news magazine, around 10,000 nursing homes were tested in Germany, of which 869 received the top score of 1.0 in all individual categories and in the residents' survey. A ranking, which also takes into account the number of available nursing homes in the individual federal states, however, explicitly did not want to determine the page. (Fp)

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Image: Anja Wichmann / edited: Gerd Altmann