Which benefits do wasps have and how to avoid wasp stings?

Which benefits do wasps have and how to avoid wasp stings? / Health News

Wasp Summer 2018: Useful insect with bad image

In late summer wasps are unloved guests in the beer garden or at the barbecue in the park. They sit down on the steak, snack on the ice cream or eat a piece of cake. When the black and yellow animals are whirring around their heads, some people panic. Wasps seek only for food and are usually neither aggressive nor aggressive.

Hardly any animal has to contend so much with negative prejudices as the wasp. Few know how useful the insects are to humans. So they provide their brood with flies, mosquitoes, caterpillars and aphids. They make a valuable contribution to biological pest control. Even dead animals are eaten and that keeps the environment clean. They are regular visitors of flowers and important pollinators for wild and useful plants.

This year, wasps are especially numerous. In the warm and dry spring, the conditions were ideal for the rearing of the people, so that in many states almost all the brood has survived. Incidentally, only two of the local wasps visit us at the coffee table: the common wasp and the German wasp.

These remedies help against wasps

Those who feel trapped by the insects, turn away best or change the place. The important thing is to keep calm. In hectic and fast movements, the animals feel threatened. Also, blowing on is not a good idea, as the carbon dioxide in the breath is an alarm signal for the animals. Perfumes, hairspray or sweat odor can also make wasps aggressive.

Especially in late summer, open bottles should be closed while eating outdoors and food such as grilled meats and sweets should be covered. When wasps are approaching, it is better not to give sweet drinks to children. Also, the mouth should be clean because they are attracted by the sugar on the lips.

If the wasp has stung despite all precautions, cooling helps against the swelling. An old home remedy is the juice of an onion. If you are allergic, you should see a doctor immediately. This also applies to stings in the mouth and throat, as the airways can zoom in.

Of certain supposed tricks to keep wasps, the LBV counsels. For example, copper coins laid on the table are useless.

Do not react hectically

Trap traps or distraction feeds even have a negative impact, as even more animals are attracted. Especially in thunderstorms or at the end of the flight time the obtrusiveness increases in many wasps. Then they are best avoided. If that does not work, it is important to keep calm when approaching a wasp. Hectic or panic movements should be avoided near the insects. In no case blow away the wasp, because the carbon dioxide in the air is an alarm signal for the animals and puts them in attack mood. Wasps usually do not react aggressively when looking for food anyway. They only defend themselves when they feel threatened.

Food and drinks outdoors should be covered and all leftovers after the barbecue party immediately put away. It is also important to have children drink with a straw and to wipe their faces and their hands after eating so as not to attract the wasps.

Wasps can also be attracted by smells like scented perfume, creams and wood furniture polish. But colorful flowered clothing has their appeal. Furthermore, you should always keep the trash and compost covered. Fly screens or a room lock, such as a curtain to the front door, are useful to keep wasps out of home and apartment. sb, Heike Kreutz, bzfe.de