Which checkups are important for men

Which checkups are important for men / Health News
Early detection: important preventive medical check-ups for men
Although some health screenings are feared, in many cases, such as colon cancer, early detection can save lives. Above all, however, the so-called strong gender often adorns itself before such investigations. Here are some important health checks for men.
Men are precautionary
There is probably no one who really likes check-ups. This also has to do with the fear that the doctor might find something bad. Especially men are often precautionary. This is also the opinion of Prof. Theodor Klotz of the Men's Health Foundation. To the dpa news agency he said: "Especially men often go to the doctor only when something hurts." However, it may already be too late. When a disease has reached an advanced stage, the chance of recovery decreases.

Important checkups for men. Image: Robert Kneschke - fotolia

Individually tailored examinations
Prof. Klotz advises men to be more regular - more intelligent - to take precautions. What is meant is that the precaution should be individually coordinated with the doctor. If, for example, a patient has critical values ​​or, for example, prostate cancer has already existed in the family, this screening should be made more closely. "If this is not the case, it can be enough to go to the screening department every two years," says Klotz. Otherwise, there is a risk that overdiagnoses are made, so cancer is detected, which may have caused no lifelong ailments. Therefore, my critics say that such investigations are often superfluous.

Useful check-ups
Nevertheless, Klotz considers provision to be sensible. Early diagnosis of cancer can have a major impact on the life expectancy of the male. Here is an overview of what medical checkups make sense and are taken over by the statutory health insurance:

- Every two years, men and women over the age of 35 can be used for the early detection of cardiovascular and kidney diseases as well as diabetes

- from the age of 35, too, a skin cancer screening for men is paid every two years

- Once a year, the possibility of early detection of cancer for men with palpation of the prostate and the outer genitalia - over the age of 50 years: Once a year colon cancer screening, examination for hidden blood in stool- men every two years for colorectal cancer screening with stool examination or a maximum of two colonoscopies. (Ad)