Which sex fantasies are still normal

Which sex fantasies are still normal / Health News

Researchers from the University of Montreal, Canada have been researching into what sexual fantasies are common to the average population. It was about certain preferences or dreams. While men are more likely to take action, women are generally more restrained. In them, sex plays a role above all in the imagination.

1500 people asked about their sex fantasies
Sex with three, dominated by sex or sex in a romantic atmosphere: Which sexual fantasies are common or normal and which are already considered pathological, has now become the subject of scientific research. In a recent study, Canadian researchers led by Christian Joyal of the Université du Québec à Montréal have been working on sexual head cinema. For this purpose, 799 women and 717 men in the average age of 30 were questioned about their sex fantasies by means of an online questionnaire. 85.1 percent of the participants were heterosexual and 3.6 percent homosexual. The remaining 11.3 were bisexual according to own data. The results were now in the trade magazine „Journal of Sexual Medicine“ released.

55 fantasies listed
„From the clinic, we know what morbid sex fantasies are: they involve pain or partners being forced to have sex“, According to Joyal Press reports. „But which fantasies are actually rare or abnormal in the normal population?“ A total of 55 fantasies to which the subjects should comment were listed by the team. Among other things it was about answering, which were already known from own experience or which were far away from the participants. In addition, their own longings could be noted.

Fancy fantasies rather rare
As the evaluation revealed were really unusual fantasies extremely rare. Nevertheless, the idea of ​​sex with animals or children played a role in the minds of up to 2.4 percent. These are clearly referred to as abnormal. In addition, nine fantasies, including practices with pee, sex with a prostitute or a defenseless person, with less than 16 percent were classified as unusual. On the other hand, sex in public or being dominated by the partner played a bigger role. These are among the 30 fantasies that had already been dreamed up by over half of the participants.

Women especially want romantic sex
In addition, nearly 85 percent of men have ever had thoughts of sex with two women. However, only about 31 percent of women found it desirable to have sex with two men. At 85 percent, sex comes first for women in a particularly romantic atmosphere. Of the men, this is 78 percent. Oral sex is popular with both sexes. For example, 78.5 percent of women and 87.6 percent of men dream of it. Fantasies about infidelity had 83 percent of men and 66 percent of women. From the male sex much more fantasies were called and described particularly vividly.

More common than atypical fantasies
It also showed that men like to fantasize about anal sex with women and fantasize about how their partner sleeps with another man. According to the study, women in particular often have submission fantasies. Whereby they clearly distinguish between fantasy and actual desire. The researchers explain the popularity of the novel „shades of grey“ including with such sex dreams. Joyal said about the study: „Our main goal was to specify norms of sexual fantasies - an essential step in defining pathologies.“ He summed up: „And as we suspected, there are clearly more common fantasies than atypical ones.“ (Ad)

Image: Marc Boberach