Which health insurance companies reduce their contributions? Now change the insurance and save

Which health insurance companies reduce their contributions? Now change the insurance and save / Health News

Numerous statutory health insurance companies have reduced their contribution

With the beginning of the new year not only a new regulation of health insurance additional contributions came into force, but numerous statutory health insurance funds have also reduced their contribution rate on 1 January. With a cash change you can save some hundred Euros a year in some cases.

Additional contributions are now shared

At the beginning of the year, there have been far-reaching changes in the healthcare system. One of them is the new regulation of health insurance additional contributions. Since January 1, 2019, the additional contributions due from the statutory health insurance funds have been shared by employees and employers. So far, the insured had to bear these costs alone. In addition, several statutory funds have lowered their contribution rate. With a cash change, you can often save hundreds of dollars a year.

At the beginning of the year, several statutory health insurance companies lowered their contribution rate. For some insured a cash change can be financially worthwhile. (Image: dessauer / fotolia.com)

Almost a third of the funds have reduced the contribution rate

As the Stiftung Warentest reported in a communication, a total of 24 of the 81 funds opened for all have lowered their contribution rate.

For example, their contribution was reduced by 15.5% to 15.3%, AOK Rheinland / Hamburg from 16.0% to 15.7%, AOK Baden-Württemberg and AOK Hessen from 15.6% to 15.5%.

According to the information, the Securvita BKK has reduced the contribution from 16.3 to 15.7 percent the strongest.

Save several hundred euros a year

Who changes from an expensive cashier to a cheaper, can save several hundred euros contribution per year.

As the Stiftung Warentest explains on its website, the savings in addition to the concrete contribution rate depends on the income.

If someone earns 3,000 euros a month, a change to a health insurance fund, whose contribution rate is one percent cheaper, will save around 180 euros a year. High earning workers even save around € 270 per year.

Offer of additional services differs

But who is satisfied with his health insurance, should not just look at the post. It is often possible to save money if the health insurance fund is in charge of extra services - for example, for a medically prescribed osteopathy or a subsidy for professional teeth cleaning.

However, the range of additional services differs from cash to cash. A health insurance comparison can therefore be worthwhile even with the extra services, because often it is also about a lot of money.

This is the case, for example, with a fertility treatment (artificial insemination).

Which health insurance company collects which contribution rate and which extra benefits are paid by which health fund can be called up on the website of Stiftung Warentest for a fee.

There are also other extras such as travel vaccinations, additional checkups or teeth cleaning shown. If your own fund pays little or nothing with the desired extras, a cash change may be worthwhile.

For example, some health insurance companies pay subsidies for health courses (such as yoga and pilates) and also for health travel, when there is no time for regular courses at the place of residence. (Ad)