Well over one million people have lung cancer without knowing about it

Well over one million people have lung cancer without knowing about it / Health News
Pulmonary and heart diseases are often not noticed by those affected
Lung cancer and heart disease are the cause of many deaths from affected people around the world. Some of these diseases are diagnosed early, others late, or not at all. Researchers found that in the UK alone, there are approximately 1.7 million people with undiagnosed lung cancer, lung disease or heart disease. These figures suggest that millions around the world suffer from similar diseases without even knowing it.

Public Health England (PHE) scientists released new figures on undiagnosed lung and heart disease. Apparently many millions of people around the world live with dangerous diseases of the lungs and heart without even being aware of it. The experts from PHE have now published a press release in the so-called "Be Clear on Cancer" campaign, in which the numbers and relationships were explained in more detail.

Lung cancer is rarely curable. Image: Nonwarit - fotolia

Lung cancer kills more women than breast cancer
If PHE researchers' numbers are correct, around 80,000 people in Britain alone could suffer from undiagnosed lung cancer. The disease is unfortunately widespread in our society. Lung cancer kills even more women than breast cancer. People need to be better informed about the threat of such dangerous diseases. Campaigns such as these help, say the experts. People should be encouraged by the campaign to visit their GP in case of complaints.

Many people do not notice or recognize the symptoms of lung cancer
The symptoms of lung cancer can be very similar to the symptoms of other diseases. Many people do not even notice or get used to the symptoms quickly. So-called persistent cough or shortness of breath must be checked by a doctor to detect serious diseases early, can make a significant difference, explain the authors. The causes of lung cancer can be very different. One of the skin reasons is smoking. Researchers have already noted that the risk of lung cancer in ex-smokers is still very high for a long time. However, other studies have also shown that white bread, cornflakes and puffed rice significantly increase the risk of lung cancer.

Often lung cancer is detected too late
People with lung cancer often suffer from breathlessness at first. The disease is not automatically associated with weight loss, coughing does not necessarily occur, explain the experts. In some people respiratory distress is the only symptom, those affected do not feel bad or ill. When lung cancer is diagnosed, it can often be too late. In the UK alone, around 28,400 people die each year from lung cancer.

Campaign to encourage people to seek help early
If lung cancer is diagnosed early, the disease can often be successfully treated. The current campaign is designed to help people recognize symptoms faster and encourage those affected to seek help early, the doctors say. This could save a lot of people's lives.

Watch for signs of lung disease every day
People do not always recognize the meaning and potential of their symptoms, and then they value all the natural part of aging, for example. Every day we should look for signs of lung cancer or other lung diseases, such as persistent cough and shortness of breath, the experts explain. (As)