Christmas napkins can cause cancer

Christmas napkins can cause cancer / Health News

Christmas napkins can cause cancer


Some paper napkins printed with Christmas motifs evidently contain cancer-causing substances of questionable concentration. Especially with red and yellow tones it could be dangerous. The Christmas napkins should not actually be sold under the law.

Especially red-orange printed paper napkins charged
In many households, they are likely to be part of pre-Christmas life: printed paper napkins intended to contribute to a festive mood. An investigation commissioned by the NDR Wirtschafts- und Verbrauchermagazin „market“ has now been found that some, especially red-orange printed paper napkins contain some cancer-causing substances. The laboratory analysis has shown that in the provided with Christmas motifs products from reputable dealers so-called primary aromatic amines are included, which can get over the ink in the napkins. The program will air on Monday, December 15 at 20:15 clock on NDR television.

Limit partly exceeded by more than four times
Especially reds and yellows can be problematic because of their chemical composition. For other colors, this risk is not given. In a press release, the NDR writes: „According to the Food and Feed Code, the examined products should not actually be sold.“ According to the report, three of a total of ten samples exceeded by more than four times the limit value for the delivery of aromatic amines recommended by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). For food contact utensils, this limit is the sum of all amines at 10 micrograms per kilogram.

Polish napkins under the limit
Particularly striking was the information according to a paper napkin sample of the textile discounter „KiK“, in which a total of 46 micrograms of aromatic amines were found per kilogram. For a product of the retail chain „Woolworth“ 28 micrograms / kg and paper napkins from the discount and special lot market operator „Tedi“ 24 micrograms / kg. Paper napkins from a Polish manufacturer ordered through a major Internet retailer were slightly below the limit.

Companies will no longer sell affected products
As the NDR reports, the partially carcinogenic primary aromatic amines can become a health hazard if they pass through food contact. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) recommends that consumers come into contact with such substances as little as possible. After the companies of the „market“-Kik, Woolworth and Tedi announced that they would be taking the paper napkins out of trading. The Polish manufacturer claimed to have its products regularly inspected by certified testing laboratories. He commented „market“ However, he did not ask whether he would continue to sell the napkins concerned.

Stricter regulation for printing inks
Only a few months ago, the German Federal Nutrition Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) had announced that he wanted to enforce stricter regulations for printing inks. The occasion was a study that had shown that paper napkins, paper plates or colorful food packaging often contain hazardous substances with cancer-causing and genetic altering properties. According to the information, the BfR had examined the risks posed by printing inks at the request of some federal states. (Ad)

Picture: Rainer Sturm