Christmas cookies curd better than butter

Christmas cookies curd better than butter / Health News

Quark instead of butter saves calories at Christmas cookies


Christmas cookies contain a lot of calories. The consumer information service aid in Bonn has therefore put together some tips for calorie reduction. Quark contains less fat than butter and can replace up to a quarter of it. Even unnecessary calories by greasing baking molds and plates can be saved by baking paper is used instead of butter.

Fat and sugar provide plenty of calories in Christmas cookies
Christmas cookies usually contain plenty of fat and sugar. However, to get through the Christmas season without unwanted flab, the Consumer Information Service recommends replacing either plain butter with half-fat butter or a quarter against curd cheese. And another tip: „Greasing the baking tin is not necessary if it is lined with baking paper“, inform the consumer advocates.

Even with high-calorie sugar can be saved. „In conventional recipes, the amount can usually be reduced by up to a third, without changing the consistency of the dough. The different types of dough are different, so it is best to reduce the amount of sugar by a tablespoon“, so the info service.

More calories can be saved with the glazes and ornaments of the Christmas pastry. Instead of chocolate and sugar sprinkles, sesame, poppy seeds, coconut flakes, dried fruit and roasted oatmeal can be used. Who wants to pay attention to his line, can also save even with the choice of cookies recipe calories. Vanilla crescents, shortcrust cookies and shortbread biscuits are much stronger on the calorie account than gingerbread or coconut macaroons.

Whole wheat flour better than white flour
Also with the flour sort is to be considered a lot. „Healthier is Christmas cookies prepared with wholemeal flour. Because unlike white flour, it also contains the valuable outer layers and the seedling of the grain. Whole wheat flour contains more vitamins, minerals and trace elements“, reports the Consumer Information Service. If white flour is replaced with whole wheat flour in the recipe, a little more liquid is needed. With milk, water or juice, but also with fruits such as banana, fruit or applesauce, the dough becomes soft and juicy. „It is also important that the flour is ground as finely as possible and the dough is smoothly kneaded“, explain the experts of aid. (Ag)

Picture: Jörg Brinckheger