Christmas majority wishes for health

Christmas majority wishes for health / Health News

According to a survey, the majority of Germans wish for Christmas, especially health

Many are already considering what to give their relatives and friends for Christmas. The choice of gifts is difficult despite oversupply and long-lasting advertising. But the majority of respondents to a study want health rather than material things.

According to a poll conducted by the polling institute „Innofact“ in Dusseldorf, the majority of all Germans want health. The survey specifically asked what you want for Christmas. Thirty-five percent said that health matters most to them. Only then did things like money (14 percent), but also peace at 11 percent. Banal things like clothes (4 percent) or perfume with 4 percent were not very popular according to the survey.

It was striking that especially older fellow citizens worry about their health. Respondents between the ages of 50 and 65, with 42 percent, said their health was their most important issue during Christmas. Younger people - as other studies have already shown - do not worry so much about their state of health. Above all, they want material things. For example, 22 percent of 18-29 year-olds said that spending money on Christmas was the most important thing. In second place came with 21 percent only health and third place with 14 percent technical items. The survey shows that health is a good thing, but that unfortunately can not be given away. The study was commissioned by the online marketplace DaWanda. A total of 1000 randomly selected German citizens between the ages of 18 and 65 were interviewed. (sb, 29.11.2010)

Picture credits: Sb