Christmas in harmony and without stress

Christmas in harmony and without stress / Health News
Stress on Christmas Eve can be easily avoided
Christmas is a burden for many people, not least because they have a clear idea of ​​what the holidays should be like. "Especially the high expectations are usually to blame if there is only dispute on Christmas Eve instead of harmony," reported the Techniker Krankenkassen (TK) in a recent release. Often people put themselves under pressure at Christmas because everything is supposed to be perfect, explains the psychologist Dr. med. Anne Moschner. This leads to stress and instead of a harmonious party often follows a dispute on Christmas Eve.

The stress arises, for example, "if you're afraid you can not handle a task," explains Dr. Moschner. Among other things, this could be the concern at Christmas to disappoint the family, if no three-course meal as a feast on the table or the Christmas tree is not sufficiently decorated, so the TK psychologist on. The victims are usually even their biggest critic. However, some simple tricks can counteract the stress and increase the chances for a harmonious party.

Christmas is associated with stress in many families that could easily be avoided. (Image: Sebastian Gauert /

Big feasts are not required!
According to the expert, the expectations of the relatives are often less great than assumed by the hosts. Many would understand that the hosts can not stand in the kitchen for hours and at the same time decorate the home solemnly. Moschner. In order to reduce the stress during the preparations, instead of a big feast, a Christmas buffet could be served, to which every guest contributes a little something. Also, the joint visit of a restaurant may be an option.

Children can help with the preparations
For children, waiting for Christmas is usually particularly difficult, which is why the TC psychologist advises to involve the little ones in the preparations. "Even children can take responsibility and help decorate trees and tablecloths," says Moschner. In this way, they take some work from their parents, and for themselves, the time to commute goes by a little faster.

Unfamiliar proximity a trigger for stress
According to the expert, the unfamiliar closeness with several family members may be another stress factor at Christmas. So some family members would not see each other all year and then spend three days together in a small space. "It's quite normal that you get on your nerves," emphasizes Dr. med. Moschner. In such cases, it would be perfectly legitimate to withdraw from the family for an hour. However, the relatives should be told in advance that you need a moment for yourself and it has nothing to do with them personally. If there are still disagreements, Moschner advises that the situation does not escalate further. Potential problems should be clarified before Christmas and if there is still a risk of a fight under the Christmas tree, the expert recommends pulling the emergency brake and arranging for a discussion at a later date.

Loneliness at Christmas also stressful
Not only the celebration within the family and the pressure of expectation can cause stress at Christmas, but also for lonely people the holidays are often a psychological burden, explains the TC psychologist. Anyone who has to spend the "Feast of Love" on their own often finds the contemplative season particularly sad and stressful. The expert recommends: "Search contacts! Those who are lonely can make an appointment with other single people. Or one approaches acquaintances with whom one has not spoken for a long time. "It is also sometimes an alternative," to volunteer at Christmas, for example, in a parish or a social institution, "said Dr. med. Moschner. (Fp)