Plasticizers are still used in medicine

Plasticizers are still used in medicine / Health News

Plasticizers: Phthalates continue to be used in medicine: The German Society for Endocrinology (DGE) has pointed out at its 53rd Symposium in Leipzig that plasticizers in strong concentrations are still found in medicine.

The German Society of Endocrinology (DGE) pointed out at its 53rd Symposium in Leipzig that plasticizers in strong concentrations are still found in medicine. Specifically, it is about the so-called phthalates DBP, BBP and DEHP. It should give indications that they affect the reproductive ability in men and in fetuses can lead to malformations in the genital area. Phthalates are mainly contained in soft PVC and are often used, i.a. In the field of medicine in infusion and blood bags, catheters, tubes, capsule coatings and dietary supplements may be up to 40 percent phthalates in some cases. So there is the danger that they can detach themselves in the medical field in contact with liquids and enter the human organism. Professor Helmut Schatz, from the German Society of Endocrinology (DGE), therefore, demands a replacement of proven health-damaging plasticisers in medicine.

This has been the case for a long time in cosmetics and children's toys. In some studies, it has been proven in human urine that hormones that affect our organism are above the upper limit of phthalates. Not only in relation to Biosphenol A, but also for the phthalates, the demand of the DGE is supported in natural medicine. (Thorsten Fischer, Osteopathy Hannover, 22.03.2010)

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