Menopause vaccinations against cystitis?
Wetness, coldness and wrong clothes promote bladder infections especially in women. Hypothermia weakens the immune system and makes the body more susceptible to bacterial infections. In addition, many people do not drink enough in the cold season. As a result, the bladder mucous membranes dry out, causing bacteria to adhere better. Typical signs include pain and burning sensation while urinating, severe urinary urgency, and abdominal pain. Sometimes the urine also becomes cloudy, changes its smell or contains blood. Women who regularly suffer from the symptoms can also get vaccinated.
Every third woman suffers from cystitis more than once a year. Men under 50 are rarely affected. However, from about the age of 60, these infections can occur equally frequently in both sexes. The increase in the frequency of infections in men is often due to prostate enlargement, a typical disease in old age. "This increases the pressure on the urinary bladder and tube and hinders urine drainage. Residual urine in the bladder provides ideal growth conditions for bacteria. " Reinhold Schaefer, urologist of the medical network Uro-GmbH North Rhine. Treatment should only be given after a cause investigation by a urologist. The treatment of acute bladder infections is targeted with antibiotics, either as a one-shot therapy or as a short-term therapy.
Many older people do not move enough and do not do sports. This increases the likelihood of losing mobility earlier and increases the risk of some illnesses. (Image: Kzenon / recurrent inflammation reinfection prophylaxis with antibiotics is necessary. Meanwhile, there is also the opportunity to get vaccinated against bacteria that often cause bladder infections. However, the vaccine protects only part of the pathogens and therefore does not provide absolute protection. "For menopausal women, who are often more susceptible to urinary tract infections because of a possible lack of estrogen, however, the vaccine can be relieved," recommends the urologist. Here, urologists vaccinate those affected against the bacteria, which most often cause bladder infections. Within four weeks they administer three injections each for the primary immunization.
The refreshing of the vaccine should take place annually and is called Boosterung. For many, this is followed by a significant improvement. In addition, there are also certain capsules for immunotherapy for recurrent cystitis. It is important to discuss these options with a urologist. Also, a local hormone therapy, which is best discussed with the gynecologist, brings in women very often a significant improvement and fewer recurrent infections.
Urologists recommend a lot to drink, to keep the abdomen and feet warm and to go to the toilet immediately if you have a urge to urinate. Although cranberry juice, bearberry leaves in tablet form or herbal teas support the therapy, they alone are not effective against bacterial inflammation.