Detergent Capsules Risk of poisoning for children

Detergent Capsules Risk of poisoning for children / Health News

Federal Institute for Risk Assessment warns of poisoning by „Liquid caps“


Portioned liquid detergents in the form of so-called „Liquid caps“ Since their launch, they have become increasingly popular, but the highly concentrated liquid detergents in a thin foil coating, given their appearance, pose an increased risk of poisoning for children. The President of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Professor Dr. Andreas Hensel explained that „the colorful, shiny, big-looking sweets Liquid capsespecially for children very attractive“ are.

After evaluating poisoning accidents in Germany and abroad, the BfR comes to the conclusion that the detergent capsules bring with them a special risk of poisoning for children. For example, in the UK, France and Italy, where the caps have been on the market for some time, around 400 to 500 inquiries about poisoning accidents are reported each year. In two considered German poison information centers are „around 150 cases with about 10 percent of moderate health impairments documented.“ Here, significant differences to the other commercially available detergents and cleaners could be identified.

Detergent with the appearance of sweets
As new variant of the detergents came „Liquid caps“ (also known as gel caps or detergent pillows) a few years ago on the market. The highly concentrated detergent is contained in a water-soluble film coating and the caps can be added directly to the washing machine. However, at first glance, the detergent pillows are reminiscent of brightly colored candies. For children therefore a special charm. „If the Liquid capschildren are at risk of having children see them Sweetstake in the mouth and bite“, so the message of the BfR. In addition, could „due to the handy size, the colorful color, the glossy packaging and the soft, smooth surface a confusion for adults in old age, for certain diseases or incipient dementia can not be excluded.“

In case of suspected poisoning, seek medical help
The „Liquid caps“ According to the BfR also represent a special risk, because „the caps contain significantly higher concentrations of surfactants compared to other detergents.“ Here even small amounts could pose health risks. Typical signs of poisoning with surfactants are symptoms such as cough, nausea and vomiting. Should such evidence of poisoning show up, it must be possible to exclude a medical uptake of the active substances in the lungs (aspiration). Overall, the BfR sees the „Liquid caps“ substantial „Need for action to reduce health risks for consumers.“ The Federal Institute has requested the manufacturers to take appropriate measures with which these products in shape, color and surface texture for children can be made less attractive.

Measures to prevent poisoning required
According to BfR, most of the product lines now at least dispense with colors that are particularly appealing to children. Also, the packaging closures were strengthened and warnings were placed on the packaging. In addition, the manufacturers would check, „whether the film material can be provided with bittering agents and another surface.“ In the future, the BfR recommends placing it on a dark, matt foil surface and swiftly implementing the other planned measures. The parents are advised to close the packs immediately after use, not to leave individual portions on the washing machine and to keep refill containers out of the reach of children. In addition, explanatory discussions with children and caregivers could help to reduce the risk of poisoning. (Fp)

Picture: Erich Werner