What are urological emergencies?

What are urological emergencies? / Health News

Urological emergencies: Do not wait long for injuries and acute illnesses


Men are reluctant to go to the urologist. But not only urological precautionary offers, but also acute diseases and injuries in the genitourinary area put her on the back burner. This can have serious consequences, as time is a key factor in some acute illnesses to avoid permanent damage. Dr. Michael Stephan-Odenthal, urologist and medical director of the medical network Uro-GmbH Nordrhein, knows the most common urological emergencies and explains how man (s) behave best.

Tear of the foreskin tape: Many men naturally have a slightly too short foreskin tape. With an erection very tense it can tear down during sexual intercourse. Since there is a small artery, it begins to bleed heavily at the tear of the foreskin tape. „It is best to use your fingers and handkerchief to squeeze the artery to stop the bleeding“, advises Dr. Stephan-Odenthal. „If this does not help, sufferers should consult a specialist immediately. Urologists breastfeed the bleeding by pressure bandage and at the same time control the injury; if necessary, a suture must be used for haemostasis under local anesthesia.

Schwellkörperruptur: What many colloquially as „penis fracture“ Rather, it represents a rupture of the cavernous tissue by severe bending of the penis during intercourse. A whiplash-like sound is followed by a bruise, which swells the penis. There may also be bleeding from the urethra. Dr. Stephan-Odenthal warns: „Urologists have to operate within a few hours. Otherwise permanent damage such as erectile dysfunction, impotence and urethral narrowing may occur.“

testicular torsion: When testicles and epididymides twist around the spermatic cord, urologists speak of testicular torsion. By this rotation clamped blood vessels lead to a lack of blood circulation. To prevent the tissue from dying, urologists have to operate quickly - within a few hours. „Often, children are among those affected“, reports Stephan-Odenthal. „The acute rotation can also occur in adolescent patients and young adults.“

paraphimosis: A Paraphimosis forms by forcibly retracting too tight foreskin behind the glans. In the wreath furrow creates a Schnürring - the foreskin swells and can interrupt the blood flow to the glans. „If it is not possible to manually peel back the foreskin over the glans, urologists have to surgically split the lacing ring and then possibly prune the foreskin, which is too narrow“, describes Dr. Stephan-Odenthal the treatment. Again, a quick trip to the urologist protects against serious consequences.

priapism: This painful permanent erection often lasts longer than two hours without sexual arousal. As a trigger, for example, potency drugs in overdose in question. Dr. Stephan-Odenthal warns: „Patients should seek out a urologist as soon as possible to prevent irreversible damage to the erectile tissue with later loss of erection.“ The treatment consists of removing as much blood as possible from the erectile tissue by means of a puncture and, by means of medication injection, causing the erectile tissue to relax.

retention of urine: The extremely painful inability to empty the full bladder is usually due to a diseased prostate enlargement. „But also urethral strictures, foreign bodies or urinary stones in the urethra come as a cause in question“, supplements Dr. Stephan-Odenthal. Failure to resolve the condition quickly can result in backflow of urine and kidney failure. To empty the urinary bladder, the urologist must insert a catheter through the urethra or, more rarely, through the abdominal wall into the urinary bladder to drain the urine. (Pm)