What helps against the spring fatigue?

What helps against the spring fatigue? / Health News

Spring tiredness: Tips and tricks how to deal with it


With the start of the warmer weather, the time has begun for many people, in which they often feel particularly tired and tired. Spring tiredness is widespread. Affected not only have a pronounced need for sleep, but also physical complaints. Some tips can help you cope better.

Pronounced sleep requirement
It is estimated that over half of Germans suffer from spring fatigue. In the morning, they hardly get out of bed and during the day they are plagued by chronic fatigue. Furthermore, most sufferers have a pronounced need for sleep. Even health complaints such as headache, fatigue, weather sensitivity, dizziness, irritability or circulatory weakness may occur. So far, it is not clear which causes are behind the spring fatigue. The weather change and the longer days play according to experts an important role. „derwesten.de“ is dedicated to the topic in a recent article.

Hormone balance plays an important role
According to the report, it is possible to explain why the body reacts with such mood disorders by means of various explanations. With warmer days, the blood vessels dilate, the blood pressure drops, you feel tired and weak. The hormone balance also plays an important role. That's how it is „sleep hormone“ Melatonin in winter, when the days are shorter, increased in humans. Melatonin, which the body produces itself, is released in the dark by the pineal gland, a small brain region. That's why we get tired in the evening. However, light has an inhibiting effect on the production of the messenger substance. As there is more light in the spring, the melatonin level goes down and the serotonin and dopamine go up. The two hormones provide, among other things for motivation and happiness.

Depression can be the cause of listlessness
„In between, there may still be an overhang of melatonin in some one to two weeks“, said the hormone specialist Professor Helmut Schatz of the German Society of Endocrinology to the newspaper. This could cause sensitive people a few days to be a bit tired than normal. However, Schatz can not confirm that the spring fatigue is a common phenomenon and the reason for various problems. „Rather, in the spring, something that has not previously been revealed is revealed“, said the endocrinologist. What is meant here is that health problems such as depression could be the cause of listlessness and fatigue. „When everything is blooming outside, other people go out a lot, have a good mood, then it just gets more obvious when someone is tired.“

For prolonged tiredness exclude physical causes
If the fatigue lasts longer, you should always exclude other physical causes. Chronic fatigue may include a delayed infection, chronic work or family overwork, hypothyroidism, anemia, or iron deficiency. For the medical doctor's medical history, it is important that sufferers themselves keep a kind of fatigue diary, which records for example when the fatigue is particularly noticeable, whether it is dependent on the time of day or might be related to the intake of certain medications. Above all, sleep should be well monitored. For example, by clarifying for yourself whether there are certain times when you wake up at night or your partner notices that you are snoring.

Fresh air and healthy food
People who experience spring fatigue should often be out in the fresh air, even in bad weather. Health experts also recommend a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also recommended to drink a lot, preferably water. In order to activate the cardiovascular system and to expel the tiredness, morning exercise offers like squats. Also changing showers in the morning and rubbing with a brush lead to the circulation activation. (Ad)

> Image: Jorma Bork