What helps against obsessive-compulsive disorder and tics

What helps against obsessive-compulsive disorder and tics / Health News

Use relaxation exercises to relieve obsessive-compulsive disorders and tics

"Did I close the front door?", "Is the stove really off?": Such and similar thoughts keep going through some people's minds. They always have something to check. Repetition and control constraints or even cleansing rituals may indicate an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Those affected can help with relaxation exercises, among other things.

Over two million Germans affected

According to the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN), about 2.3 million people in Germany suffer from OCD symptoms each year. "Obsessive-compulsive disorder is associated with great suffering: those affected often spend several hours a day trying to cope with their pressures. As a result, they can no longer cope with a normal daily routine and become incapacitated, "the experts write in a statement. The right therapy can help sufferers sustainably. Relaxation exercises also play a role here.

Although washing hands protects against dangerous pathogens, it can also become a compulsion. In such cases, sufferers can help with therapy. (Image: Alexander Raths / fotolia.com)

Massive disturbances of daily life

As the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry explains on its website, the main symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are unintentionally recurring thoughts and actions, which are experienced as nonsensical or agonizing, and which occur in different forms and combinations in the individual patient.

"These so-called obsessive thoughts and compulsions can lead to a massive impairment of daily life," the experts said.

According to the information, compulsive thoughts are usually described by the affected as completely meaningless, such as counting constraints, but occasionally they also have sexual, religious or aggressive content.

Also fear of infection by germs or dirt as well as strong disgust before body excretions occur. For those affected washing pains are then observed.

Operations must be repeated constantly

According to the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, compulsive thoughts are perceived as one's own thoughts, but at the same time as involuntary and often as repulsive.

As the experts explain, compulsive acts are processes that need to be constantly repeated. However, these actions are neither perceived as pleasurable nor do they serve to perform useful tasks.

In some affected patients, the compulsive behavior becomes a compulsive ritual that often needs to be carried out for hours in a more detailed fashion, sometimes accompanied by lack of resolve and slowing down.

Typical compulsions include personal hygiene (for example, unnecessarily frequent and long-lasting hand washing), controlling (exaggerated and repeated checking of door locks, hotplates, taps, etc.), touching (objects must be touched or barely touched) or hoarding ( Collecting worthless or used items).

The compulsive acts are often experienced as a prevention of objectively highly unlikely events that harm or harm the patient.

Exact causes still unclear

In most cases, obsessive-compulsive disorder begins in childhood or early adulthood. The exact causes of the disease are not yet known.

"Research suggests, however, that there are changes in brain systems that regulate the execution of repetitive steps," reports the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry.

"An increased occurrence in affected families indicates a genetic predisposition," write the experts.

However, this does not mean that the disease also regularly occurs in the biological relatives of the patients. "Psychological factors and stress may favor the onset and severity of the disease."

Those affected often hide their illness

Many sufferers hide their illness for a long time. According to the DGGPN, on average, it takes "ten to fifteen years for patients with OCD to seek professional help."

If an OCD has been diagnosed, a single behavioral therapy may be sufficient for mild symptoms.

"If the symptoms are more pronounced, behavioral therapy and drug therapy must be combined," explains the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry.

According to DGPPN board member Professor Fritz Hohagen from Lübeck, it is known that "affected patients sustainably support the right therapy".

Tic disorders

OCD also has some similarities with so-called tic disorders.

"The main symptoms of tic disorder are motor and vocal tics, which can be divided into simple and complex tics," it says on the information portal "neurologists and psychiatrists in the network".

According to experts, the tics occur under tension and serve no specific purpose. It is estimated that up to 15 percent of primary school students temporarily develop tics.

"Tics show a strong tendency to disappear by themselves. However, if they last more than 1 year, it is called a chronic tic disorder, "explains the Children and Adolescent Psychiatry of the University of Dresden on its website.

Then we recommend a clarification with a specialist.

Reduce pressure with relaxation exercises

According to experts, in addition to therapy, relaxation exercises such as yoga or autogenic training can help with obsessive-compulsive disorder as well as tics.

If those affected feel a "sense of anticipation," they can counter that by tensing their fists, contemplating, and channeling energy into other paths.

Mindfulness exercises can also help to relieve pressure that builds up. (Ad)