Why do many people drink tomato juice on the plane?
Why is tomato juice so popular on the plane??
Nowhere is the taste of tomato juice as effective as in dizzy heights - for example, on the plane or on the Zugspitze. But why? These places have one thing in common: the air pressure is lower compared to that of the plains. This is known to affect the ears, but also affects the taste perception.
Healthy tomato juice. Image: BillionPhotos.com - fotoliaAt low pressure fruity smells and sweet, cooling taste impressions come to the fore and the tomato juice tastes really good after sun-ripened, freshly harvested tomato. Its under earth pressure often perceived earthy-musty aroma disappears.
Incidentally, tomato juice can also be made by yourself; best from fresh harvest. Peel the tomatoes and cut into pieces for about 10 minutes to simmer. The mixture can be spiced freely to taste: with salt and pepper, chilli, Tabasco or whatever else the spice rack offers. A delicious flavor is obtained by the addition of other vegetables, for example celery. They should be cooked right away. Finally, squeeze the mixture through a sieve or cloth and catch the juice - done. Dr. Christina Rempe