Why men often have heart problems

Why men often have heart problems / Health News

Unhealthy lifestyle of men increasingly leads to heart problems


An unhealthy lifestyle increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. The fact that more men are affected by this is shown by the DAK Health Report. According to the study, working men have 55 percent more absences due to heart problems than women. A survey commissioned by the health insurance also makes clear the causes.

Unhealthy diet of many men favors heart problems
„Men are more affected by heart problems in Germany than women“, reports the DAK health. A nationwide Forsa survey on behalf of the health insurance among 3,000 men and women between 25 and 39 years also shows that men more often than women have unhealthy living habits. So they pay less attention to a healthy diet. According to the survey, 66 percent of men only value taste, not nutrients. As a result, high-fat and salty foods are more common than healthy, vitamin-rich foods. In addition, 43 percent of men regularly drink alcohol, 36 percent smoke, and 70 percent do not exercise. „Many men maintain a lifestyle that favors the development of cardiovascular disease“, confirms DAK doctor Elisabeth Thomas.

By contrast, women tend to lead a healthier lifestyle, according to the study. „Women perform much better on diet and alcohol. Only one in two women eat carefree fat (48 percent) and only one third drink alcohol regularly (33 percent)“, informs the health insurance. Therefore, they also suffer less frequently from cardiovascular disease than men. „According to the DAK Health Report, in 2013, 100 male DAK insured persons lost 74 days due to cardiovascular problems. That's 55 percent more than women, who were only short of 48 days“, so the cash register.

From the middle of life, the healthy lifestyle of men and women decreases
However, both sexes have one thing in common from the age of 35: the lifestyle becomes unhealthier. While only 67 percent of the 25- to 29-year-olds abstain from doing sports, in the age group of 35- to 40-year-olds they are already 77 percent. However, lack of exercise is one of the main risk factors for overweight and heart problems. „Especially in the middle of the year, the course is set, "Thomas explains. The lifestyle at that time influenced the risk for cardiovascular diseases crucial. „Those who do not give up their health efforts at this age, but are more concerned about a healthy lifestyle, can even make up for their past sins.“ (Ag)

Picture: Bernd Kasper