Why washing hands is important

Why washing hands is important / Health News

Welthändewaschtag: When washing your hands twice „happy Birthday“ to hum


October 15th is the International Hand Washing Day. By regular hand washing you can protect yourself from infectious diseases. But it must be long enough for that. Therefore, it is advised to twice when soaping „happy Birthday“ to hum, which corresponds to the recommended washing time of at least 20 seconds.

Pathogens cling to the hands
Pathogens can also adhere to hands if they are not visibly contaminated. Often it is not only children who take their hands off the hand that are not so serious, but adults often do not wash their hands properly in everyday life. In order to protect yourself from an infection, it is advised to wash your hands thoroughly and regularly, including after each use of the toilet, after washing your nose, before eating or handling cosmetics. The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) points to this, according to a message from the news agency dpa on the occasion of the World Trade Week on Wednesday (15 October).

Wash hands for at least 20 seconds
It should take at least 20 seconds to wash with soap and water. This is about twice the song volume „happy Birthday“. The pathogens may otherwise pass from unwashed hands into the body or that of another person by touching the face or making contact with food through the mucous membranes. Up to 80 percent of all infectious diseases are transmitted by the hands of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Hygiene rule number one
The International Hand Wash Day, launched by WHO, was first launched in 2008. On the occasion of other action days such as the World Water Day or the World Hygiene Day, attention is repeatedly drawn to the health significance of the Hygiene Rule number one. Among other things, from the children's charity Unicef, that especially wants to reach children in developing countries. (Ad)

Picture: Andreas Hermsdorf