Why rose hips are so healthy

Why rose hips are so healthy / Health News
Rosehip: That's why she's so healthy
The rose hip shrub, also called dog rose or dog rose, belongs to the rose family. It is native to various forms in Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. There he prefers to grow in gardens, paths, forest edges and fences. The shrub can grow up to two meters high and has delicate pink colored, perfume-free flowers. However, the plant parts used are the bright red pseudopods and also the small grains or nutlets inside. These are mature in the autumn and ready for harvesting.

Rosehips contain a lot of vitamin C and are therefore ideal for strengthening the body's defenses. (Image: lesichkadesign / fotolia.com)

Ingredients and effect
The rosehip is particularly noticeable by its high vitamin C content. There is also a diverse spectrum of phytochemicals. With this combination, she is a potent supporter of the immune system and also as anti-aging agent in the price.

Uses and presentation
The rosehip can be found in many fruit teas. Cooking does not leave much of the vitamin C left over. It is different with freshly pressed fruits. Here all vital substances are largely preserved. In folk medicine, rosehip jam is administered teaspoonfully for loss of appetite.

Especially savory - with or without the small nutlets from the inside of the rose hip - is the jam made from freshly processed rosehips. Especially in southern Germany has the so-called? Kernlestee? Tradition, which is characterized by a pleasant taste and is used in folk medicine for "blood purification".