Why women should never use bandages or tampons anymore

Why women should never use bandages or tampons anymore / Health News

Menstruation: Alternative to bandages and tampons
Most girls and women use tampons or pads during their menses. Their use is often perceived as very unpleasant not only in warm temperatures. But there are also alternatives. A YouTuber explains what she uses now when she has her days.

Health hazard due to forgotten tampons
The majority of women and girls use tampons or bandages during the period. These should be changed because of the right intimate hygiene best every two hours. If tampons remain in the vagina too long, sometimes even life-threatening dangers threaten. Last year, for example, the case of a young girl who died of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) was reported because she forgot to change the tampon.

But apart from the health risks, many girls and women find it uncomfortable to wear tampons or pads. A well-known YouTuberin no longer does this and explains why she no longer needs to use it.

Many women find wearing tampons or pads during their days very uncomfortable. Menstrual cups are an alternative. These can even enrich the love life. (Image: aguadeluna / fotolia.com)

YouTuberin explains why she does not use tampons
Sara Desideria posts on her YouTube channel actually clips from the fields of beauty and fashion. However, in the clip titled "Why I no longer use bandages & tampons", she talks about her first menstruation, about bandages and tampons and how uncomfortable she found her use - especially in the summer.

"I used to use regular tampons and also used a panty liner to keep things from going wrong. That was not only exhausting, but also unnecessary. You have to think about how much rubbish that produces, "says the young woman.

For women who are under stress
When searching for other options, she finally came across the menstrual cup. These could prevent a TSS and let the YouTuberin according to their own statements disappear the menstrual pain. According to her, the menstrual cup is especially suitable for people who are stressed out and have forgotten to change their tampon.

Reusable menstrual cups
A menstrual cup is inserted into the vagina to catch the menstrual secretion, storing up to 48 ml of fluid, depending on the model. Then the cup is removed, emptied, cleaned and then replaced. There are both reusable menstrual cups and disposable models.

The advantages are seen in the fact that they - unlike tampons - usually contain no irritating fibers and chemicals that they are cheaper, less harmful to the environment and can be worn longer. The comfort is also highlighted.

Sex life of women is boosted
Another positive effect: Menstrual cups can boost women's sex lives. This was the result of a survey by INTIMINA, a large female health company. Thus, about a quarter of the women surveyed said their love life had improved since using a menstrual cup; The reason for this is the reduced dryness. However, some health experts consider the cap so unhygienic that they would not recommend it. (Ad)