Increased warnings about drug risks
Warnings and drug risks increased in 2009
The Pharmacists Commission of the German Pharmacists (AMK) received in the last year 2009 about 7400 reports on different risks of medicines (drug risks). As a result, reports on drug risks increased by around 11.0 percent compared to 2008. 7400 messages are a new maximum. Since 1994, there have not been that many releases about drug risks.
The term "drug risk" is used whenever there is new evidence as to whether, for example, a drug jeopardizes the safety of patients or whether safety can no longer be guaranteed. However, not only undesirable (side effects) and misuse of drugs are indicated, but also pharmaceutical quality defects such as packaging defects.
The largest proportion of the notifications on drug risks in 2009 included so-called packaging errors. About one third of the reports were bad packaging. However, about 30 percent were also complaints about "adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and abuse reports". Basically, these messages help to improve the quality of the medication.
According to the Federal Association of German Pharmacy Associations, the drug risks include the following indicators: side effects, interactions with other agents, resistance, abuse, misuse, habituation, dependency, defects in quality, including technical nature, shortcomings of containers and outer wrapping, defects in labeling and the subject and information for use, counterfeit medicines, inadequate withdrawal of veterinary medicinal products and potential environmental risks arising from the use of a veterinary medicinal product. (sb, 29.01.2010)
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