Warm cereal porridge good for breakfast muffle

Warm cereal porridge good for breakfast muffle / Health News

Start the day well with warm cereal porridge


When the alarm rings early, many people find it difficult to enjoy a sumptuous breakfast. An alternative may be a warm cereal porridge, which with fruit and nuts for easy digestible enjoyment in the morning. In conversation with the news agency „dpa“ Explains the Independent Health Consultancy, what matters in the preparation of cereal porridge.

Warm cereal porridge is prepared with water, milk or vegetable milk
A warm cereal for breakfast may seem to get used to, but convinced by its healthy ingredients. The basis of the porridge are finely chopped or flocced grains, nuts and seeds, which can be put together individually according to taste. The porridge can be prepared with water, milk or vegetable milk, such as oat, rice or soy milk. In addition, small cut fruit can be added at will, as the Independent Health Consultancy in its special issue „Of course, dried fruits such as raisins, apricots, goji berries and cranberries come into question as well, spices such as cinnamon, vanilla or lemon zest are also good for fans of hearty breakfast, the porridge can also prepared with broth and supplemented with grated vegetables.

Especially among vegans, warm cereal crops are becoming increasingly popular, as they can be easily prepared without animal products such as milk.

Here's how it works: For a vegan porridge, the vegetable milk is brought to a boil in a pot. Then the desired grain is stirred. Simmer over low heat until the corn softens and a thick paste has formed. (Ag)

Picture: Claudia Kottisch