Warm summer nights Turn the hot water bottle into a cold water bottle

Warm summer nights Turn the hot water bottle into a cold water bottle / Health News
In warm summer temperatures, simply turn the hot water bottle into a cooling bottle
The weather of the last few weeks was not exactly summery, but soon heat and humidity could reign. During the day, most people find warm temperatures very pleasant, but rather disturbing at night. A hot water bottle can help to be able to sleep well anyway.

Hot water bottle becomes a cooling element
The summer is still a bit in the coming, but soon heat and humidity could again determine the days. As beautiful as higher temperatures are, at night they bring many people to a restful sleep. A few simple tips for tropical nights can help you sleep better. For example, a hot water bottle can easily be converted to a cooling element in summer. They are filled with water and placed in the fridge for about three hours before going to bed, according to the pharmacy magazine "Senioren Ratgeber" (6/2016).

If you can not sleep well at summer temperatures at night, you should try a hot water bottle. This can easily be converted into a cooling element. (Image: lightwavemedia / fotolia.com)

Short lukewarm shower at bedtime
The best way is the cooling bottle wrapped in a thin sheet with taken to bed. Even a short shower before going to bed can be relaxing and sleep-inducing. The water should be only lukewarm and then only be stripped off. The magazine also points to the right diet: If you eat lightly in the evening, you usually get along more easily with getting in and staying asleep. Instead of hearty salami should therefore rather a vegetable soup or a snack with cream cheese on the menu. During the day: always drink enough.

Tips for hot nights
Other tips against the heat: "Nightgown or pajamas for half an hour in a bag in the freezer before putting put" recommends the "Apotheken Umschau" in an older edition. In addition, experts recommend clever ventilation to keep the temperature in the bedroom as low as possible. This means that the windows are only opened in the early morning and at night when it is not hot or not hot anymore. However, if sleep is difficult due to high temperatures, you should not resort to chemical sleeping pills. There are also natural home remedies. For example, sleep aids made from valerian extracts alone or in combination with hops, lemon balm and passionflower have proven to be an alternative to synthetic drugs in a large number of clinical studies. (Ad)