When was meat frozen and thawed?

When was meat frozen and thawed? / Health News

What consumers should know about the meat products


Whether meat products were frozen and thawed later is not clearly recognizable to consumers. Because the current regulations do not offer a clear orientation. Thus, unpacked meat, minced meat or meat preparations that have been frozen or frozen after their production, may only be offered in the thawed or partially thawed state in the shop counter for sale when the customer is informed about the freezing process, reports the consumer center Saxony. The situation is different with thawed meat, which is then minced or marinated. This is exempted from the labeling requirement.

Packaged meat that has been frozen and thawed does not necessarily have to be labeled
Consumers are often very unsure as to whether the meat in the cooling rule or at the counter is actually fresh or whether it has been frozen after production. The consumer center Saxony therefore provides information on the labeling requirements for frozen and thawed meat, „because the current regulations on defrosting offer consumers no clear orientation, "confirms Anne-Katrin Wiesemann of the consumer center Saxony.

For packaged meat products, the note „melted“ not always mandatory. Thus, the information must be found only on the packaging, if the freezing and subsequent thawing the further use is affected. For example, taste, safety or external appearance may be compromised. This is not the case with other foods such as butter, since freezing and thawing have no such effect on the product. Consequently, butter does not have to with the indication „melted“ be informed, informs the consumer center. In addition, the obligation to label only refers to the particular product itself. Once the meat has been thawed and then further processed - for example, if it is marinated or minced - this is the hint „melted“ no longer obligatory.

Unpacked meat that has been frozen and thawed must be labeled accordingly
„Unpackaged meat, minced meat or meat preparations that have been frozen or frozen after production may only be sold in a thawed or partly thawed condition if informed of the previous freezing process. But here too: no obligation to inform on further processing of thawed ingredients“, informs the consumer center.

For poultry meat, however, there is a clear rule: regardless of whether it is packaged or sold at the counter, poultry meat must never have been frozen and thawed again. For so-called „Preparations made from fresh poultry meat, such as turkey steaks or poultry skewers, this rule also applies.

Fish exception: certain fish products must be frozen
Fish is an exception, because certain fish products must be frozen for at least 24 hours at -20 degrees Celsius or lower to protect against parasites. This includes sprat, cold smoked mackerel and sushi. However, this does not inform the consumer. The situation is different when the fish is frozen and thawed not for health but for logistical reasons, such as Pangasius from Asia. Here is an indication mandatory. (Ag)

Picture: Rainer Sturm